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  1. Fire Ant Farm


    I just came back from the grocery store - got a bunch of cheap plastic round containers about 1-1/4 qt each. I'm going to start with just freezing a little BOSS in there with the water, but will also try other stuff as well. Got enough to cycle them through one day to the next. :thumbsup...
  2. Fire Ant Farm


    :welcome Sweet looking birds!!!
  3. Fire Ant Farm


    My chickens just eat the ants. :confused:
  4. Fire Ant Farm


  5. Fire Ant Farm


    OK - I'm too far away, then. I'm in the San Antonio area. :(
  6. Fire Ant Farm


    Where are you?
  7. Fire Ant Farm


    I was sorta thinking that it might lead to impacted crops. I know I was told to be careful with ball moss because of that (I have tons of it everywhere).
  8. Fire Ant Farm


    That was my first thought, honestly.
  9. Fire Ant Farm


    Not Mr. Peepers!!!!!!!!
  10. Fire Ant Farm


    Sounds like a fox to me - I've had day time issues with foxes. Sorry for your loss. Congratulations!!!! All passed now, no harm with my animals. I'm not sure is SA got tornadoes, but it wasn't so bad here on the north side of town. I moved some chicks outside last night - their first storm...
  11. Fire Ant Farm


    Yup. Red clover or Austrian peas or hairy vetch.
  12. Fire Ant Farm


  13. Fire Ant Farm


    Oh, I meant to share - I found my very first teeny developing apples on the apple trees I planted this fall/winter. This is on an Ein Shemer tree. It's next to an Anna tree, and there's another pair of Ein Shemer/Anna in the ground. I also have another couple that never made it in the...
  14. Fire Ant Farm


  15. Fire Ant Farm


    I have a whole bunch of tomato transplants potted in gallon pots waiting to go into the garden (I have some weeding and clearing to do in the beds first). Also peppers and eggplants. I'll plant the edamame around the eggplants (that has worked well for me). Cucumbers and zucchini and pumpkins...
  16. Fire Ant Farm


  17. Fire Ant Farm


    I'm sorry for your loss.
  18. Fire Ant Farm


    - Ant Farm
  19. Fire Ant Farm


  20. Fire Ant Farm


    Interesting that you should ask this - I am redoing my paddocks and doing some replanting this year, and just last week I made a trip to my local seed merchant (Douglass King Seeds in San Antonio) and had a long discussion with them. We settled on a short native grass mix (expensive, but...
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