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  1. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    What part of Texas are you in? I just lost one of my Muscovy boys and wouldn't mind a replacement. Blessings - ~ Aspen
  2. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    Gettings lots of eggies from my geese! Collected my first Sebbie egg the other day. Somebody PLEASE buy some eggs so I won't be tempting to hatch them!! Ahhh! Blessings - ~ Aspen
  3. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    Fired up my 1588 Genesis Hova-Bator two days ago. I set 13 Coronation & Light Sussex, 1 Serama, and 1 Sebbie, all from my birds. I should have babies around the middle of next month! Going to clean out one of my Sportsmans today and fire her up as well. I have Polish, B/B/S and Lavender...
  4. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    True. However, we live way out in the boonies and our neighbors are several miles down the road, so nobody gets bothered by noise. My peafowl are very quiet for the most part (they will be two years old this June), the only time they scream "Help Help!" is usually in the morning after I let them...
  5. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    Tamina - IB Peahen Tulsa - IB Peahen Ms. Jellybean - Mine have never free ranged. I keep them in a large covered chain-link dog kennel and they do just fine. I recently bought them a 2nd dog kennel to add on to theirs (it'd make their pen 20+ ft long and 10 ft wide), but I'm having to...
  6. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    Thanks, he is my baby boy. I'll post some pictures of his two girlfriends in a minute. ~ Aspen
  7. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    Mmm, I've been called that name before! Ohhhh..I'm dying to get some Swedish Flower Hens as well! They are so purdy'! I'm trying my hardest not to get some Silkie Showgirls...they are so ugly they're cute!! Just for some is Prince, my beautiful India Blue peacock...
  8. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    Howdy All! I've been absent for awhile, but intend to lurk around a bit more than I have been. ; ) Got about half an inch of snow today. The Seramas and Cochins refused to even come outside today. The waterfowl don't care a hoot about the weather, although they've all requested a pair of snow...
  9. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    What a great hubby you have!! ~ Aspen
  10. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    I got many lovely presents today from my feathered babies. I found another one of my precious geese started laying for of my Seb Project girls laid her first egg this morning. It weighed 124 grams. So cute! My Roman girl also gave me a whopping 176 gram egg. And if that wasn't...
  11. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    Happy Valentines Day to all my BYC Friends!
  12. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    I'm not a big fan of it either..but it's brought some much needed moisture, so I'm okay with it. ~ Aspen
  13. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    I awoke to a layer of snow on the ground this morning, with more large flakes coming down fast. The ducks love all the mud and snow, it doesn't bother them a wee bit. The chickens are sulking inside their pen. The geese aren't sure what to think. Greatful for all this snow and rain! ~ Aspen
  14. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    I candled, and started misting/cooling the first two Sebbie eggs last night..a look inside one of the eggs: The guys built me a stall yesterday for some of my geese ~ Aspen
  15. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    Yes, you're right. That is something to be thankful for. Aww, honey I'm so sorry! I've been going through the same ordeal..I know just how you feel. Hugs to you They are usually the roosters! LOL There is always a chick in the bunch that goes around pecking everyones toes and causing general...
  16. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    He killed one of my tufted Sebbie project girls, Princess my favorite curly white Sebbie...if I was allowed to have indoor geese..she would have been inside. He also killed Cotton, my smooth Lavender Saddleback gander that I had shipped in from Florida. I cried the whole day..I cannot even think...
  17. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    I told you all I recently lost three of my precious is what we caught........... The first night we set the trap, we caught our wild 'barn' cat...we relocated the cat. The next night we set the trap again and something wallowed it around and set it off. We went to TSC that...
  18. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    Oh my word, seriously? That is insane. Talk about big, fat, pests! Wow....what are you going to do??? The guys took the coon out in the field, turner'er loose, and used it for target practice. ~ Aspen
  19. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    The guys turned him loose and the field, and used him for target practice. Sorry sucker! He cost me about $300-$400 in the past three days. I thought about getting his meat, and feeding it to the chickens and ducks for revenge. LOL ~ Aspen
  20. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy


    We finally caught the big coon who murdered three of my precious geese. R.I.P my sweet ones ~ Aspen
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