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  1. Teri Metcalf


    In case you were wondering.... This little fact of life came from a FB friend.
  2. Teri Metcalf


    Absolutely! I got it on Facebook from another friend.
  3. Teri Metcalf


    Start your day with a little puppy love. This came from a FB friend.
  4. Teri Metcalf


    It's funny you should mention that. It wasn't conscious when I named her. She had a sister named Ruby, and I just thought the two names Ruby and Reba sounded cute together.
  5. Teri Metcalf


    This morning we had a lush patch of spinach in this pot. Then the wind blew over the tomato cage. Reba is caught red-handed!
  6. Teri Metcalf


    We used to share a wonderful rooster with our neighbors. His name was Fancy Nancy. He died in the line of duty, defending the girls against a neighbor dog. His son is Sweet Pea. We thought he was a she until he started crowing.
  7. Teri Metcalf


    Hung, He's beautiful! I'll bet you're having a hard time not being there right now. Will you be able to go meet him before fall?
  8. Teri Metcalf


    A friend posted this on my Facebook page. I thought y'all might enjoy it.
  9. Teri Metcalf


    Here's some silly stuff for a Friday afternoon. Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road? SARAH PALIN: The chicken crossed the road because, gosh-darn it, he's a maverick! BARACK OBAMA: Let me be perfectly clear, if the chickens like their eggs they can keep their eggs. No chicken will be...
  10. Teri Metcalf


    Congratulations and Happy Birthday! Look forward to pictures!
  11. Teri Metcalf


  12. Teri Metcalf


    Top of the morning to y'all!
  13. Teri Metcalf


    Hung, When is your baby due?
  14. Teri Metcalf


    I'm sure there's an answer somewhere to my question, but I don't want to research it. What about a frozen egg? We found one this morning left over from yesterday. Since it got down to 23 during the night, it was frozen solid (so to speak). We brought it into the kitchen to thaw. Can I use it...
  15. Teri Metcalf


    Interesting item from NPR:
  16. Teri Metcalf


    This article is about the problem of the American appetite for chicken breasts.
  17. Teri Metcalf


    This is so exciting, at least for me! Chicken Poop made Food Tank's list of 16 must-read list:
  18. Teri Metcalf


    Interesting article. I wonder what it means for the chicken.
  19. Teri Metcalf


    She doesn't seem to be broody. She moves around, and doesn't show much interest in the eggs that others come in a lay. Sometimes she's up on a nest box, and other times she's on the floor. She had a daughter a year or so ago. And that leads to another question. Our hens that go broody and have...
  20. Teri Metcalf


    We have an interesting situation. Our motley flock of a dozen or so chickens that we share with our neighbors is free range. Currently five of our girls sleep in our henhouse. We lock them up at night, and let them out each morning. For the past week, a 3-year-old hen stays indoors all day as...
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