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  1. back2simplelife


    Gotcha! Thanks! Gotta get some ideal 236's pretty soon for our breeding project.. the eggs are going on lock down tonight so will jump on it!
  2. back2simplelife


    Since ya'll were talking about turkeys, I have been thinking.. haven't researched anything yet so only thoughts. If you only have a couple, can you keep them with chicks or do they need special food or other needs? We have to place an order with Ideal soon for only a few chicks and it sure would...
  3. back2simplelife


    We are dairy, soy and half of us have issues with gluten. about 90% processed free. Our staples are nuts, seeds, beans and other legumes. My family will occasionally eat chicken, but my stomach just can't handle it anymore. I refuse to go completely without things like cheese so I have learned...
  4. back2simplelife


    Me too, since I was 18. I too have problems with dairy, meat, soy as well as gluten. If I stay completely away from them, I have 0 symptoms and no meds. I was also diagnosed with pernicious anemia 8 years ago, the leaky gut 2 yrs ago as well... so my gut was a complete mess. I would highly...
  5. back2simplelife


    sadly hardware cloth is the only way. I have even heard stories of them climbing up 2 story buildings. I am so sorry for your loss.
  6. back2simplelife


    I can't tell as it's squished but..maybe it's a fart /fairy egg?
  7. back2simplelife


    Sorry I have been away for this board what feels like forever and struggling to catch back up! Lots of new faces.. a lil late but welcome! Hope all is well with everyone!
  8. back2simplelife


    Definitely!! Good luck hun!
  9. back2simplelife


    FINALLY! I am so sorry this happened to you. Hopefully you can get some closure now.
  10. back2simplelife


    sounds like the detox that I did... not hard really.. do you have pinterest? Look up anti-candida recipes. If I can do it WHILE being vegan.. (I can not eat meat, it kills my stomach) you can do this ;-) Currently we are ovo-veggies... we are also sugar, soy, and gluten free. NO processed foods...
  11. back2simplelife


    wow! all the ones I have encountered have been umm.. down right mean! was it raised in captivity?
  12. back2simplelife


    It's a non tested trap so cross your fingers it's there come morning! It's kind of hidden back there.. went to check on it.. just saw eyes this time.. then brush cracking all over.... think I better just wait.. no, not scared of the dark.. just the creatures IN the dark!
  13. back2simplelife


    thanks hun.. no animal control that I know of but will try them.. ggeez what a night!
  14. back2simplelife


    will in the morning in the light.. I don't DARE let it go tonight.. nor around here!
  15. back2simplelife


    umm.. any idea what to do with a bobcat caught in a live trap? THOUGHT it was a coon I was sensing hanging out around my coop.. Imagine my surprise! Anyone know if we were to call the fish and game if they would relocate it for us? EEEKKK!!!
  16. back2simplelife


    got it.. 1/2 t
  17. back2simplelife


    Help Help Help.. is Corid 1/2t or 1/4t per gallon water for 2-3 week old chicks?
  18. back2simplelife


    I know she is away from her puter right now but she told me she will contact her asap THANK YOU!
  19. back2simplelife


    Can anyone help this poor gal? She is a friend of my lil sis' and my sis sent her to me.. I have NO idea so I sent her here... and no one has replied :-( I am not even sure what questions to ask her...
  20. back2simplelife


    "Red on yellow, poison fellow; red on black, safe from attack." or "Red touch black, you're OK Jack; Red touch yellow, you're dead fellow".
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