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  1. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Man it’s been awhile since I posted here lol
  2. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Well, I have good news, and bad news... Good news is, I saved 15% or more by switching to geico.... No, but seriously, I got over the cold. Thank goodness... Bad news is, been having really bad trouble with my back lately.. and a Chiropractor told me that my spine is out of alignment and...
  3. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Respritory illnesses are not always just spread bird to bird, or by wild birds and such. But any stress ,dusty name it and a chicken can get it from it. I imagine there will be a lot of problems this year will illness due to the weather... This is prime time for birds to contract...
  4. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hey there folks. Hope yell are all doing good. Thread has been busy last few days... for the past week I have been up and down. I've caught some sort of cold and I haven't felt like doing anything... Work drains the only energy I have. This weather has kicked my but and I am ready for it to go...
  5. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Usually auctions will run at 9am and start auctioning off items, then goes to poultry and small animals, then to the bigger animals. Some auction off larger animals first.
  6. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Awe man, Really Raven1? I didn't need another breed... but I am dying for some Favoralles.
  7. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Memphis, I hope... but right now It's still up in the air.
  8. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Ahhhh, what a beautiful day! Looks like 40+ degrees all week. Wahoo!! Doesn't look like I will get to move for another month or two though.:(
  9. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Donna, have you candles yet?
  10. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    It's supposed to get in the 4th Thursday and doesn't look like it's dropping again ( knock on wood)
  11. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    hey in spring if you have any orps let me know. Kind of digging the English orps . And want to have some. They are big, fluffy, and beautiful birds.
  12. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    You have a garden..In this weather? Lol
  13. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Wyandottes, even hatchery Wyandottes are cold hardy. The hatchery quality is what you want if your wanting eggs.
  14. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    So thought we was going to have a short warm snap? It snowed again........:(
  15. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hahaha. You are not the first one. How does everyone think I am a girl?:( do I need a manlier screen name? Lol
  16. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I live a few min away from Bev ( Chickensmart)... soon I will be her neighbor if everything goes right. Just got back from hanging with Donna and I'm pooped. Lol. Managed to slip away with some wyandottes.:) Remember we are meeting up in April!
  17. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I am a him. :(
  18. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I get first dibs on SLW!:) jk. Donna. I texted you. I'm out and about. Got the eggs with me. Let me know when you want me to head that way.
  19. Countrypunk92

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Ya we get 40 degrees this weekend and back to below freezing......
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