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  1. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I did it for a while in the spring, for 40. They loved it and it really cut down on feed costs. I still gave them free-choice pellets. It took them about a week to start really liking it. You can start it with just plain old feed, or you can jump start it with a couple "glugs" of ACV. I've...
  2. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Thanks! I need higher protein for my quail and have had an extremely difficult time finding it. I was able to special order game bird starter, but it's medicated... I'm not real close to there, but my husband drives nearby on a fairly regular basis with his job.
  3. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    That 26% game that starter, is it medicated? Where is Hoovers?
  4. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Thanks, gals! I knew y'all would be able to tell me. I just thought he was super-cute and was hoping I could find something similar locally.
  5. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Ok, I have a stupid question. Really, just ignorance on my part, but I figured I'd asked some of you first before I started making myself look stupid on other threads...LOL. Later this year (or maybe even next year) I intend to get some Silkies for my daughter. I know NOTHING about Silkies...
  6. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I just lost 8 in 4-5 weeks time....but we got revenge. Big bobcat!
  7. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Congrats on making it here safe and sound! That's a pretty rough trip.
  8. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I hope more hatch for you and you have better luck than I did. I got some (not silver) last year. After 2 mix-ups and 5 months of waiting....I finally received a crushed box of eggs. Only 10 of the 120 hatched. So disappointing. They started laying at 5 weeks and laid for about a month (back in...
  9. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Needing observations from someone more very first attempt at hatching my own eggs. Am roo over barred SBEL....are these two boys or four boys? Two of them have very faint dots and two are large dots (fifth chick has no dot). One of these chicks is from a Barred Rock, but...
  10. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    6"+... This is as far out of the coop as they would venture. That's a little Basque pullet in the bottom right corner, she's the bravest and would actually tip-toe a few feet further out.
  11. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Yes! They came from thespoiledchicken! I was really happy with them. She sent me 15 eggs and 11 hatched. I accidentally killed one after hatch. Then, I gave them to a broody to raise. When she abandoned them suddenly at about four weeks, I lost one that day. I think it wandered away (we...
  12. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Do you know of anyone east of Nashville who has Lavs and Black splits? I have a project cockerel I need to find a home for....he's a hookless-feathered Am, black split, but he has red/gold leakage on him. I have several hatch mates, but I'm not real sure what they all are. They are about 20...
  13. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Fireman0298 has Australorps...I think he's south of Nashville?
  14. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I also watch several other threads and saw your comment on the AM thread about the no-crow collar. I didn't want to clutter up that thread with questions. ;) Please let us know how it works out. I'm in a POA (although we have 10 acres) and I'm not even supposed to have any chickens. A roo...
  15. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I lost my "baby" today, too. Princess (Dobermann) was 11 years old. I'm crying with you!
  16. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Thanks! I will check the feathers in the morning. I do know that she has yellow on the UNDERSIDE of her feet and the tops are really dark (black?). She has a single comb and virtually no butt. Are Cochins normally late maturing, like a Brahma? She is smaller than my other chicks, but a tad...
  17. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I need some opinions... I bought a bunch of assorted breed pullets from a hatchery. One was supposed to be a Dark Brahma As she started growing, I realized she had some serious leg/foot feathering going on....much more than my other brahmas. I mean, this girl has SWEATPANTS!!! I posted...
  18. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Every time I open this thread, this guy.... ...shows up on the side bar as "Recent images on this thread". Such a cutie! Thanks for sharing....again and again!
  19. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    That was pretty lucky...he is handsome!
  20. Gentry1350

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    They are gorgeous! I have one BR pullet, about two months old. She's the first one out of the coop in the morning and the last one back in at night. She's quite the independent girl. I had forgotten how pretty they are.
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