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  1. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Pine pellet horse bedding... it is awesome and only needs scooped out about once a year. Hay in nest boxes. NEVER use straw, it harbors mites.
  2. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Ok... Ya'll are worrying me. I see the surgeon tomorrow about my torn rotator cuff. Are you aware that every recliner I've ever seen has its lever on the RIGHT side? I am seriously not gonna like this am i? I already can't get out of the recliner by myself with my shoulder this way.
  3. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    We just got power back, it's been out since Monday. No power and no water. I lost all the eggs in the bator, but a dog crate of newly hatched chicks spent the week next to the wood stove and appear to have come through it ok. My how we get creative when necessary. We knew Monday morning...
  4. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    WAY too pricey though. Our chicken tractors costs us less than $100, and we spent less than $200 on our breeding pens.
  5. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Here's one we knocked together in just one afternoon. It's made from one piece of siding and some 2x4s. We made it 3x6 to easily fit in the back of a truck for our daughter's 3 chickens (she was moving into a rental for a year). It has a large pull cord and she moves it daily and puts it on...
  6. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I have several hundred chicks under a month old, 2 litters of week old rabbits, and I'm expecting 75 lambs starting any day. None will have heat lamps. Heat lamps, in my experience are not only not necessary, they prevent proper acclimation and encourage respiratory problems. Not to mention the...
  7. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Yep... easy solution to all predation problems - Italian maremma
  8. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I wouldn't give the extra away if they have decent meat. I sell mine. I have several restaurants that buy them. And one who owns a restaurant and a farm but has no need for pullets takes all the day old cockerels I can supply him. He raises them for 6 months himself - very handy deal...
  9. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Welcome from East TN
  10. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Had a great time at the APA Nationals in Knoxville. One of my RC RIR pullets went BV and I got to meet a ton of great poultry people. It was almost enough to convince me to get a third breed - almost, but not quite. LOL The ball has officially begun rolling on establishing the Rhodebars...
  11. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    You'll have to look me up, I'm only showing a trio but will be there all weekend.
  12. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    We have a lot of acreage and the guineas have never been to the house or trust me is pull out the .22 We got them for the same reason. .. tick control when we began fencing in 50 acres and had 20+ ticks to pull off each night. They reduced the population of ticks so they're allowed to stock...
  13. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Mine are laying right now, just not sitting. The males, even at a young age, make a very different sound than the females. I really do not like the guineas. Whenever they hatch in the summer we catch all the keets when they are only a day or two old and give them away. I do NOT want any...
  14. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Yes... similar... Our stock tanks are in the shade in the summer to keep algae down. We move them to sheltered, all sun, low spots on the winter. Being in low spots provides not only shelter but also easy draining for the fill hoses. We go through 400-500 gallons a day. Sticking a 2x4 out...
  15. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Just set 70 eggs and took cocks out to give the girls a break before Dec show in Knoxville. Won't need again until Jan.
  16. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    It's Dec 6th and 7th at the Jacobs building at Chilhowee Park. Judging is all day Saturday and awards are Sunday morning at 9.
  17. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Officially entered in Knoxville... Hope to meet a few of you there. ;-)
  18. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Go figure. I don't usually have to drop deicers in all the buckets until after Christmas. Dug them out and plugged them in yesterday. Glad those things have built in thermostats - prevents me from having to use thermocubes on all of them. I think it's a stew kind of dinner tonight. ;-)
  19. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    My chicks go straight from the incubator in the barn feed room to the brooder in the barn hallway. Note: there isn't even a door at the north end of the hall. I've never had a problem. If it's supposed to get below 20 and I have chicks under 2 weeks old in the brooder, I pin towels around...
  20. RedRidge

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    My brooder is in an open air barn. No problem.
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