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  1. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I've seen them at the APA website for $59 They had a well-thumbed copy at the co-op for $60.
  2. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Well, no go on my guineas, they co-op let me know the hatchery was having difficulty hatching them. Figures. I am still on the lookout for keets!! There's another local hatchery that delivers close-by but I can't check on them until closer to delivery date. Bummer. Just as well, I've 8 chicks...
  3. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Good to know. I was going to let them stay in an open brooder, but I can fix up a chicken-wire lid for it. I've got toe warmers for transporting them home. They look so plump and contented! Ahh! That's where I am. I've got the BCM chicks and am on a list for Cream Legbar this summer. I can't...
  4. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I should have mentioned, the guineas will be arriving on Mar 28th if you're interested, but do call first and see if there's extras or if you can add to their order.
  5. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I will post pictures if they survive and grow up - I've heard they drop dead as keets at the drop of a hat. They will be hovered over. You should post some pics of your lavenders! Aww, that's what I hated about having a broody hen. When she gets up I have to go through what's left - last summer...
  6. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    LOL, yes, they had pearl, white, lavender and royal purple. The royal purple is an almost black from what I can see - some speckling on the back. I heard the colored ones are slightly tamer, but wanted a bird that wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb to predators. I'd really like to get a couple...
  7. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I went in with a friend, they're getting 4 pearl and I'm getting 4 royal purple. Getting antsy!
  8. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    The Jefferson County co-op has some coming in next Friday. Not sure if they will have extras, you could call.
  9. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Old barns have LOTS of ventilation. It most likely depends on how much ventilation you have. If you walk in and it smells like CEDAR, probably not a good idea.
  10. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Interesting, I followed that link. In order to qualify as Heritage, they have to have started out as APA standards and you breed them naturally. I learn something new every day.
  11. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Again, what is the difference between a Heritage Buff and the American or English Buff. I know the difference between an American and an English, but what is a Heritage? Hatchery buffs do not enter this picture. My hens are pale because they molted the middle of last summer and they always...
  12. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    That's the second time I've heard "heritage buff orpingtons" what are heritage buff orps? I know there's English and American, what's different about the heritage ones?
  13. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    There are so many political comments I want to make!!! I'm excited about my 4 lil marans, can't wait to see what they grow up to look like!
  14. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    So to do that, I just buy a big bag of seed at the feed-store and do the soak-in-water process? Or do you need seed specific to planting, or are they all the same thing?
  15. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Ah ha! Kind of like fermented feed, but not really. Sprouts.
  16. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    what's e fodder?
  17. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Wow! Brown eggs free range at the grocery store here sell for $4/doz. I sell mine to my sister @ $5/first dozen, $4/second dozen - because I deliver and she lives 30 min away.
  18. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread
  19. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread - Conversation defining dairy/eggs - UT Ag extension egg law changes - Proper Handling of Eggs...
  20. Searsmom

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Thank you! Those are beautiful! I gave a lady a few green eggs to decorate, but never really thought about how she's decorating them. What did they correct? I found the law several years ago, but it wasn't worth the trouble to sell with the few hens I had - they've crept up on me - but I've...
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