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  1. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I won't blend my egg shells next time,I am going to mix the flock raiser with some scratch feed,cayenne pepper,meal worms,and sun flower seeds so they will have a high calcium and high protein feed.I am going to do that for a couple of days then switch back to flock raiser with egg shells on the...
  2. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    I gave my chickens some flock raiser with some calcium powder in it tonight.I have been researching on flock raiser and it looks like its not really for laying hens.The protein level is 20%.Anyone suggest a good natural chicken feed that is high in calcium and protein?Thanks!
  3. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Well I got them off of craigs list and right when they came to my house they all laid.They are about 7-8 months old.But they just stopped laying one day.I baked some egg shells and put it in my blender and it made a powder so I'm going to mix that in with some flock raiser tonight.
  4. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hey guys still all 15 of my red stars are still not laying.They free range and I feed them flock raiser once in a while,Does anyone know whats keeping them from laying?
  5. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hey guys I am looking for a chicken breed that often goes broody,I really like buff orpingtons but I know there's other breeds to.Please PM me if you do!I live in the Arrington/triune area.Thanks!
  6. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Anyone have any Orpington Hens?I am looking for some.Please PM me if you do.
  7. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Just Got 15 healthy free range red stars for $8 a chicken!Aslo he gave us free 2 dozen eggs!
  8. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hey guys I am looking into buying more chickens.Does any one have some for sale?I wanted a breed that are good layers and they lay every day.PM me if you have any for sale! I live in the Arrington/Triune area.Thanks!
  9. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    How long does molting usally last?Thanks!
  10. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hey guys!I have not posted in a long long time!But I had a question.I own 2 black sex link hens and a a unknown breed hen.They usually lay every other day but they just stopped laying.They free range and they get scratch feed.Anyone know what the problem is?I know black sex links are not good...
  11. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Is anyone here close to franklin or Arrington?Because I am looking for some laying hens,I am looking into getting orpingtons.I've always loved orpingtons because they are so sweet and kind but my orpington chicks all died because a possum got them or they got sick.PM me if you have any orpingtons!
  12. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Yeah.they are out of everything.They will not be hatching till September.
  13. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Hey guys!I have not posted in a long time!I am looking for some laying hens.the poultry house Is out of all there chicks and chickens.I am not sure wich breed I
  14. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Just to let you guys know my Maran died.i am very said beacause i only own 2 marans and it was almost $5. :(
  15. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    She is getting worse.she is laying down and moving her legs around and no,her poop has no blood in it.Thanks!
  16. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    This morning I found one of my marans laying down and it could not stand up right.Anyone know what that is?She is looking pretty good right now,she is sleeping and standing.
  17. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Yeah!He said that he had his laying hens in late June but I forgot to ask him what the prices were.....
  18. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    Does anyone know what the prices are for the poultry house's laying hens?Thanks!
  19. chickenlover478

    The Middle Tennessee Thread

    A possum got into my chicken coop and got 3 of my light Brown leghorns,and 1 Orpington and 1 jersey giant.after that 5 leghorns died,I did not know what happened but I noticed the night before some of them died they puffed up there feathers and walked really slow.....but we put some chicken...
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