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  1. knjinnm

    Raising Catfish in a barrel!! 11-03-2011 UPDATE!!

    Greatm How big are the Tilapia now? They should breed when they are five inch long. What are you feeding them? Can you sex them yet? As I recall the males incubate the eggs. JAC
  2. knjinnm

    Raising Catfish in a barrel!! 11-03-2011 UPDATE!!

    Did you get your project up and running?
  3. knjinnm

    Raising Catfish in a barrel!! 11-03-2011 UPDATE!!

    Where are you planning to buy the fish? What size will they be when you get them? As you may know Tilapia will breed in an fifty gallon aquarium and they do not have to be really large to breed so you could produce your own starter cultures when ever you need them.
  4. knjinnm

    Raising Catfish in a barrel!! 11-03-2011 UPDATE!!

    Good to see you back at it.
  5. knjinnm

    Raising Catfish in a barrel!! 11-03-2011 UPDATE!!

    Too bad, he had the right idea but the barrel without water changes was never going to work.
  6. knjinnm

    Raising Catfish in a barrel!! 11-03-2011 UPDATE!!

    Soo , where are you now in your project?
  7. knjinnm

    Raising Catfish in a barrel!! 11-03-2011 UPDATE!!

    Quote: You are pretty quiet for someone with experience
  8. knjinnm

    Raising Catfish in a barrel!! 11-03-2011 UPDATE!!

    Quote: It will work but it takes a lot of fresh water changes. My suggestion would be a minimum 100 gallon stock/trough tank with a constant flow of fresh water, plenty of food. Imagine trying to raise 40 cornishX's in a 12X12 pen with no air exchange! You'd be shoveling poop hourly and...
  9. knjinnm

    Raising Catfish in a barrel!! 11-03-2011 UPDATE!!

    Quote: As someone mentioned plants will need light, BTW what kind of plants are you planning to grow? Adding CO2 with the stocking levels you plan may cause an algae bloom which will require more water turnover. You will also need supplemental air, the depth of the 55 gallon drum will...
  10. knjinnm

    Raising Catfish in a barrel!! 11-03-2011 UPDATE!!

    Quote: As someone mentioned plants will need light, BTW what kind of plants are you planning to grow? Adding CO2 with the stocking levels you plan may cause an algae bloom which will require more water turnover. You will also need supplemental air, the depth of the 55 gallon drum will...
  11. knjinnm

    Raising Catfish in a barrel!! 11-03-2011 UPDATE!!

    Quote: Chlorine may dissipate but if your county is adding chloramine; (NH2Cl is commonly used in low concentrations as a secondary disinfectant in municipal water distribution systems as an alternative to free chlorine chlorination. This application is increasing. Chlorine (sometimes referred...
  12. knjinnm

    Raising Catfish in a barrel!! 11-03-2011 UPDATE!!

    Quote: Why do you want to add co2? You want as much oxygen and fresh water as possible to break down waste products. I realize you're starting with the same size fish but they're not going to grow at exactly the same rate, so expect the smaller fish to be eaten by the larger fish. If a...
  13. knjinnm

    Raising Catfish in a barrel!! 11-03-2011 UPDATE!!

    Quote: You will still need to add air with the concentration of fish you are planning. Also catfish are omnivores so at some point the larger cats will eat the smallest fish.
  14. knjinnm

    Raising Catfish in a barrel!! 11-03-2011 UPDATE!!

    Quote: Read again, that is probably 5-9 per square foot of Water SURFACE to ensure adequate oxygen exchange. With the density you are proposing the fish will need a lot of air and of equal importance a lot of water flowing through the barrel to flush waste and uneaten food. Get a test kit to...
  15. knjinnm

    Raising Catfish in a barrel!! 11-03-2011 UPDATE!!

    Quote: Exactly !!!! you will have transfer them very soon after you get them. plus there won't be any space for them to rest on the bottom and that's what they like. perhaps you should rethink your plan...
  16. knjinnm

    Raising Catfish in a barrel!! 11-03-2011 UPDATE!!

    Quote: What kind of catfish? Edited OK when in doubt read again before posting. 40 (6-8") channel catfish
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