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  1. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    Gravity doth prevail
  2. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    Verticality is overrated
  3. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    An you is?
  4. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    Ah. So that's what vole burnout smells like.
  5. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    Behind the. . . Alaskan, did you set the dust buster on fire again?
  6. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    *sniff, sniff* Do you smell something burning?
  7. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    "Deal, pass, drool?" What game is 'drool' a part of? That sure ain't Bridge! Never mind, I don't think I want to know.
  8. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    X2. Some things, you just don't want to see - let alone deal with.
  9. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    To quote our esteemed (and absent) Broody Magician: FROGS BB2K and I were walking across the parking lot of a nearby shopping center when she noticed some birds pecking at something on the ground. As we got closer, the birds flew up, and she realized that the thing they had been after was...
  10. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    Wow, I knew you were old, but ..... no way. OK, I'll bite - is this really you?
  11. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    The echo must be driving you crazy.
  12. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    Now, see - this is why I gotta stay in shape. I never know when I might wind up on the menu!
  13. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    What, that there is a pole-dancing bunny gif? Amazing what you can find on the internet, huh? But we bunnies need to keep in shape; just running down rabbit trails isn't enough. Dancing is grreat exercise, all over!
  14. Bunnylady

    Green Club

  15. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    Oh, come on. Those two rabbits aren't even the same species; no way that's real. The Rabbit of Caerbannog, on the other hand, has descendants living in my rabbitry, so I know it's real.
  16. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    Beware - he's got you in his sights.
  17. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    Oh, dear - you had to bring the Muppets into it, didn't you? It ain't just the frogs. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
  18. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    The frogs are invading - my son just got attacked by one in our kitchen!
  19. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    Uhhhmmmm . . . . no, thank you, Sour - I have enough. Half of my Seramas have been broody for over a month now. I'm beginning to despair of ever seeing them walk again!
  20. Bunnylady

    Green Club

    Oh, how thoughtful of you, Sour!
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