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  1. KateBeauchemin

    Resending shipped eggs, when P.O. broke them???

    Never thought of using a tube, what a great idea for 9 eggs. That's great.
  2. KateBeauchemin

    Resending shipped eggs, when P.O. broke them???

    Quote: Thanks. I cannot figure out for the life of me where she came from. Obviously white leghorn mother. But my roos are/were RIR cross and a blue wheaten ameraucana. Got the spangled gene in there somewhere!!! Prolly from blue wheaton side. I hatched out 15 maran eggs from my mother...
  3. KateBeauchemin

    Resending shipped eggs, when P.O. broke them???

    Quote: Thanks so much for the information! Life is all about learning new and better things!
  4. KateBeauchemin

    Resending shipped eggs, when P.O. broke them???

    SO CUTE!!!! Love her!!!! I'm ready to hatch my own here soon! But my broodies are sitting my sis-in-law call duck eggs 2 days left! (fingers, eyes and toes, crossed)
  5. KateBeauchemin

    Resending shipped eggs, when P.O. broke them???

    Remembering i did send extras in one batch so those didn't get sent in medium box. Those were the one of the ones that broke, but shipped them in taller box with extra padding, i don't know. Definitely time to try a new way of packing. For eggs over a dozen. 99% of the time I only ship 12, so...
  6. KateBeauchemin

    Resending shipped eggs, when P.O. broke them???

    I'm in SW michigan, and have mutt eggs :-) olive eggers, pink eggers, dark blue eggers, and mostly just mutts until they get separated into their pens in the springs, everyone is running together. Weirdo combinations right now. Ever seen a cornchins? LOL My dark cornish are mating with my bantam...
  7. KateBeauchemin

    Resending shipped eggs, when P.O. broke them???

    Quote: My one to california tomorrow would have cost almost 2 times as much if I sent if UPS. I definitely LOOKED at this option!
  8. KateBeauchemin

    Resending shipped eggs, when P.O. broke them???

    The post master told me it didn't matter what i wrote on the box, all the boxes go on a conveyor and things happen. I had the same luck with some marked fragile as I did with ones not marked. As for the live embryo thing, my sister-in-law did that one time and it arrive 2 days late and the box...
  9. KateBeauchemin

    Resending shipped eggs, when P.O. broke them???

    I do put that on my listings... One said apparently I didn't know how to pack them. The other said she's never EVER gotten a broken package of eggs in her 6 years of ordering. Of course I ask for pictures, one will send tomorrow, hopefully. I ship with a split in half paper egg carton. 2x3...
  10. KateBeauchemin

    Resending shipped eggs, when P.O. broke them???

    Wanted some opinions on shipping eggs... I've been shipping for a few months, and all last year, as well. Before Xmas i was having problems with my hatching eggs arriving, cracked or broken. (flat rate medium boxes) After the holidays were over, I went 2 weeks and nothing got broken to 12...
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