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  1. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Quote: Eh no. But I've accidently drank somone else's drink... Ahh good times... HYE ~ Choked on absolutely nothing? I choked on a giant sweet tart earlier. NOT FUN.
  2. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Yes. I want to cry when my nose is so stuffed & I can't breathe I feel for you, Chickenrandomness... HYE ~ Drank milk when you had a fever? Please... PLEASE NEVER Try it.
  3. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Yep...Many times HYE been flogged by a chicken?
  4. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Noppee. HYE fell down slippery stars infront of people you barely know? ...I have.
  5. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    I wish HYE been on a super jerky/swirvy rollercoaster/ride?
  6. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Yes! HYE: been hit in the nose?
  7. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    ...I crawled under one...Does that count? HYE been night fishing during a super bad storm?
  8. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    LOL. nope. I dont play golf. HYE been so starving you took a bite of dinner as soon as it came out of the oven and totally burnt your mouth? I have
  9. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    ember.opal : Yep! Have you ever called your Dad, Mom by mistake? yes I also called my aunt my uncle, and my uncle my aunt....oops.. HYE laughed so hard you cried?
  10. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Quote: Luckily, no. But my clumsy chickens have HYE been pecked in the face by a chicken?
  11. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Opal: LMbuttO ! No! OD: Actually it was coke! Have you ever chased a mouse?
  12. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    ember.opal : Oh, All the time! Have you ever gotten some food then set your plate down and accidentally pick up your siblings and eat it? YES! LOL Exept it was my dad's! HYE been burried in the sand?
  13. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    YEP! And it was torture. I wanted it DONE. AND it took FOREVER. HYE stared off into space while somone was asking you a question? Person: "So what are you - Yadda yadda yadda" Person: "?????" Person: "REBECCA!?" Me: "oh wut?"
  14. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    nope. 7 year old? YEP. HYE had a dream that made sence, then when you woke up it made NO sense?
  15. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Yes!! have you ever CHOKED on nothing?? I have
  16. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Yesss! HYE been kicked it the face by your dog? it hurts...
  17. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    OMG no, But we were doing a play at church once and I kept stuttering. LOL then I finally spit out the word I was trying to remember. HYE Grilled meat, took a bite out of the delishus masterpeice, then relize it wasn't done? I might as well say that I've done all the things I ask.
  18. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Nah... I hope I never have to LOL HYE Been so flippin' mad at somone your hand 'slipped' and you slapped the crap out of them? i have...
  19. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    No. I'm late on learning to cook K? LOL But I've stared my mum down while she cooks chicken stir fry..hehe HYE Found a double yolker?
  20. ScissorChick

    Have you ever ______? Game

    na. hye poked somones face ? i have.
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