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  1. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Have you ever had a goldfish named Goldy? (This thread has been asleep too long!)
  2. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Nope Have you ever been over seas?
  3. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Yes HYE been to Brice Canyon?
  4. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Nope HYE eaten something that you thought was one thing, but was really another? (When I was little I found some bulbs - The kind flowers come from - I thought they were onions, so I ate one.)
  5. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Nope HYE gone fishing in the ocean?
  6. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Nope HYE woken up at 3:00am, and was unable to fall back asleep?
  7. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    If dried squid counts... HYE gone into a store that creeped you out?
  8. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    No HYE died? (It is possible to be dead and come back to life, CPR has been known to do that)
  9. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    No.... Did you do that? HYE eaten a chicken you raised?
  10. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Nope Skipped a class
  11. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Nope Smiled when you told the truth, so no one believed you?
  12. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Nope Misunderstood something someone said and created an awkard moment?
  13. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Nope HYE had braces?
  14. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    In person? Not extrememly famous... but semi, I guess.... Peter Fuller, if he counts. But I doubt it, even is he is incredably awesome. Sat on a cat? (Okay, when I did it was dark! And she was black!)
  15. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Yep Thrown one of your eggs at a tree (I just did that )
  16. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    No Same question (I think we should keep this question going until we find someone who has)
  17. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Head cheese? I've had cheese.... Hatched eggs using a broody
  18. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    I was in the ocean... and there were dolpins really close... But not really.... Ever had to put down (or cull) a favorite chicken?
  19. Scooter&Suzie

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Only like 100 times... Have you ever been out of your native country?
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