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  1. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Noooooooo that's so mean! HYE accidentally hit a deer?
  2. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    No but I wish I had guineas, they're so cute!!! HYE gone swimming with ducks? I have it was so much fun!
  3. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    No. HYE missed your ducklings/chicks hatch?
  4. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Yeah and I won champion waterfowl, champion showmanship for the novice class, 2 trophies 6 ribbons and 40$! It was so much fun! HYE had a duck?
  5. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    About 2 hrs, it was a book called eragon. HYE been to Disneyland?
  6. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Quote: Yeah I read 700+ pages in one sitting! HYE made a Popsicle stick house?
  7. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Yeah for taking my ducks for walks around town! HYE eaten a dandelion?
  8. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Quote: kinda have you ever been iceskating? Yes and no I have never taken pics of random houses. HYE eaten a raw potato?
  9. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    No. Have you ever been stalked? I have.
  10. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Yes! HYE gotten popped on by a duck?
  11. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    No. HYE gotten bit by a duck that though that your finger was a minnow since you were swimming with them? (it's very painful)
  12. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Yes! HYE had a wild rabbit loose I your house?
  13. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    No. HYE seen a duckling hatch?
  14. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Yes and I've broken 4 screen doors from running into them! HYE fallen in a giant hole? I have it was scary!
  15. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    From a distance. HYE been in the hospital, not a visitor, a patient.
  16. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Yeah my friend jimmy tackles me at random times all the time! HYE gotten shot?
  17. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Not cross but walk down the side of the road and some random ones on the side of the road where no one even has chickens, still not sure where those came from. HYE eaten a raw egg?
  18. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    Quote: A what? HYE seen a fish flop out of the tank? Not out of a tank but out of the bucket cuz when I go fishing I only catch and release but I keep them in a bucket of water until I'm done. HYE seen a bunny make a sandwich?
  19. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    I don't know what you mean by that. HYE seen a duck throw up?
  20. mrpekinduck

    Have you ever ______? Game

    No HYE been barfed on by a cat?
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