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  1. ChickenWisperer

    Rooster or Hen?

    Quote: Okay. Then don't use RIR. Hollands are a GREAT breed, though rather rare. They are the only dual-purpose breed that lays white eggs (that I know of) though my girl does not lay chalk-white eggs. She is SUPER friendly, and always has her nose stuck in my business, walking between my...
  2. ChickenWisperer

    Rooster or Hen?

    Quote: Another step. Do you mean great with you, great with other birds, or both? Then breed back to Aussies first. They will give you larger eggs, and in my experience a better temperament. If you want help with all-around, I would suggest crossing the birds with Hollands (white egglayer)...
  3. ChickenWisperer

    Rooster or Hen?

    Quote: Well, what are you breeding for? Egg size, rate of lay, color, temperament?
  4. ChickenWisperer

    Rooster or Hen?

    Quote: x2, no question about it.
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