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  1. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    LOL yea I learned the hard way. I had one broody that was taken all the eggs. I still don't know how she was doing it! The boxes are divided and have a 2x4 across the front. The nest boxes are 1ft off the coop floor. she had to do an extreme balance act to get them. I fixed that by making a...
  2. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    I'd love to have more cats. However I have a problem. Her name is Cynder. You see the lady in the house 5 acres over had about 12 cats. She moved out and left the cats. Sad but people tend to do that the country. The cats where hungry and I being who I am I took food up to them. All are very...
  3. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Opossums kill chickens? I didn't know that. I thought they just went after eggs. How about skunks do they kill chickens too? I had one dig under the chicken tractor this week. It couldn't get in but left its calling card.
  4. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Terry, I too have been in a battle with some infection. It started about 3 weeks ago. Coughing, sneezing, running nose, fowl smelling stuff, raspy breath, Almost black runny poop, then a swollen eye that shuts. I put 3 down that didn't respond to anti-botics. I had 2 with swollen eyes but they...
  5. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Sorry for your loss Barnqueen. TNCK I love the colors of your birds. He is the blue egg gene? I'm now asking myself do I want to get rid of Mr. Friendly to take yours He isn't the prettiest chicken I've had, but he follows me around and peeps till I pick him up and pet him. He is an olive egger...
  6. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Hey Terry your boy joined the flock last night on his own. He left the private pen I had him in and went into the main coop with the others. He roamed the yard with the younger ones today. No big fights! Just some feather pulling from the girls. They are doing a new pecking order since I moved...
  7. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Stupid hawks I have 2 that do low flies over just waiting for someone to peep out. I've lost 16 this season! Last one was 2 weeks ago. He couldn't take off with him. The dog and I rushed him. I got about 3 feet away and he gave up the beheaded chicken. A reflective wind sock was 15 feet away...
  8. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    I am so glad it is raining today! I been going full throttle since Friday. Restoring one house, had to clean out my dad's house. We moved all his stuff over and then scrub it down. Had a guy who is working on my remodel get a call from child protective services. His wife left him while he was...
  9. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    The hawk struck again this morning. I started letting them out again 2 days ago. I was thinking they where too big to carry off. Well I was right. I was running after him he couldn't get off the ground. I got about 3 foot away from it then it dropped my chicken and flew off. One of my lt blue...
  10. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread They went up a little now $29.99. free shiping. The only problem we hads to over come was the collar size is a bit big. We made it go as small...
  11. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    I too have a female corgi who loves stealing eggs and herding the chickens. I bought a cheap training collar off of amazon $26. It has a buzz or zap mode. When she would start running after the chickens I'd yell across the yard leave it! If she stopped I praised her. If she kept at it I would...
  12. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    It's comb is dark. I'm thinking boy. Do you have a picture of it standing up? Boys always carry themselves taller, tail erect and head up. Look for pointed feathers around the neck and base of tail =boy. As for crowing Some of my EE's started crowing at 10 weeks. Some take longer. When you hear...
  13. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Well I did it! I got all my extra chickens gone. I also got LaMar gone. So now I"m in the market for a blue copper maran or splash maran rooster for new gene pool. So any one within my area who may have one for sale let me know. thanks
  14. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Yes I use canned cat food in my trap. I have trapped all kinds of stuff. Including one ticked off skunk! That was fun lol. But if you get a skunk you will smell it before you get close to the cage. This week I have gotten a raccoon and 2 feral cats. All relocated far away. I always keep the trap...
  15. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Morning folks. The 1 chick the was struggling last night made it. So I have 5 chicks now. I still have the other eggs under a heat lamp. I don't think they are going to hatch. I had to try. Yesterday we decided to change out our rooster. He is good with the girls and is proven. But, he attacked...
  16. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Bad news my broody BCM hatched out 4 of 12 then I checked on her about 2 hours ago. She started killing the new ones hatching and pecking at the fluffy ones. So I took eggs and babies away. Everyone is in a tub with a heat lamp. I have the temp up to 98 and humidity @70. One egg is piping. A...
  17. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Thank you. Pookey is a pet. So she has a free pass forever. The fat bottom girls! No one misses the free bird feed from the feeders. She has a solid fluffy bottom. A little lace on the legs. She isn't perfect but she had a pretty baby with my roo. Pookey's baby. The only one that made it and...
  18. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Well, it's raining here today. I went out to take care of the chickens. I looked in on my BCM who is broody. She had 3 babies walking around the inside of the lil coop area. After it stops raining I will go out and do a head count and pull out broken shells and funky left overs. It is an awful...
  19. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    Nella bean your rabbits are fantastic! I keep showing my Hubby yours and saying wouldn't the kids love it! Also how great it would be to add rabbit litter to our chicken litter in the compost! I haven't won him over yet. But, I bet in a year or so when my 4 year old daddy's girl ask we'll get...
  20. Peach2u

    Eastern Tennessee Thread

    I stopped the dogs from the next farm over from coming over to chase my cat and chickens. Everytime I saw them out a screaming bottle rocket would be shot there way. They come to the edge of the driveway and just stare at the chickens. Air horns work well too. While walking your dog you can...
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