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  1. laughingull

    Is 2 roos 1 too many?

    Quote: Great suggestion- I will definitely consider it! They sure require more maintenance than I had expected. I rake the coop 2-3 times a week and add new dirt about 1x a week and that still isnt enough! Sand would make the process less dusty- though might make the poop less perfect for the...
  2. laughingull

    Is 2 roos 1 too many?

    Quote: Thank you so much for the advice! They are actually already all living together just fine (though I wish I had read your advice befor adding my new quail as it would have saved several days of grumpy birds remedied by my building a second level in their coop and mixing things up-...
  3. laughingull

    Is 2 roos 1 too many?

    Oh and sorry if this is a stupid question- I am new to quail (and loving them despite that each one seems to produce more poop than my three chickens combined)
  4. laughingull

    Is 2 roos 1 too many?

    So I am busy worrying myself that the very very very very pretty (did i mention- wowee what a gorgeouse bird) young tuxedo coturnix that i added to my flock might be a boy. The little one still had yellow chick down eyebrows when i got it and that was only a couple of weeks ago. I am watching...
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