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  1. CluckyJay

    Help Me Plant a Chicken Garden!

    lol Debid! Yea, I am planting them. Its good for the chickens and us. We have tons growing in the lawn but DH mows them to the ground. I wanna take care of them so we can have really nice greens, blossoms and seeds. I wanted to try that dandelion root coffee too. I think I will throw seeds in...
  2. CluckyJay

    Help Me Plant a Chicken Garden!

    I'll remember to plant peppers for them. I planted some black pearl peppers, maybe they'll like those! What about planting a bag of cheap wild birdseed in a sunny area?
  3. CluckyJay

    Help Me Plant a Chicken Garden!

    Jumping chickens Batman! lol It would be neat to hang food up sometimes so they have to jump to get it, LOL. Do you guys know the plant spacing on dandelions? One, two or four per square foot? I want to make a tidy, thick patch of them for us and the chickens.
  4. CluckyJay

    Help Me Plant a Chicken Garden!

    Cuccuzi are awesome-looking! That's a big plant! I'll see if we can find seeds around here. I was thinking about pureeing excess veggies and garden waste up and making dehydrated feed. I've already started on my recipe and cannot wait to try it out!
  5. CluckyJay

    Help Me Plant a Chicken Garden!

    EDIT: I am pretty sure this is leaf lettuce that reseeded from the garden, LOL. Is this a type of Hypochoeris "cat weed"? I'm trying to I.D the weeds in my yard, lol. Some of the leaves show a purple tinge. I did a little nibble test and it tasted like yummy, strong leaf lettuce...
  6. CluckyJay

    Help Me Plant a Chicken Garden!

    Here are the greens I planted. I have to get the violets moved next! Here's some bittercress. The more I think about all these yummy weeds, the more I think the chickens will have to SHARE with us! lol I stumbled across shepherd's purse on the Internet and realized that is a common weed...
  7. CluckyJay

    Help Me Plant a Chicken Garden!

    TheyThinkI'mTheirMom: Its mainly for the chickens and my other animals. I'm trying to keep our feed bills as low and organic as possible. The catnip and other herbs will be shared with us though. Catnip tea is just too good not to drink! We have a large garden for our family/friends. This is a...
  8. CluckyJay

    Help Me Plant a Chicken Garden!

    I am growing the duckweed in my rain barrels and growing pools. I am using it to feed not only the chooks but goats, worms and other animals as well. Yummy. I just read in Backyard Poultry about parsley for chickens. It sounds like something we need to plant. The rainbow kale-- that is...
  9. CluckyJay

    Help Me Plant a Chicken Garden!

    Zucchini bread! I am so planting that now, LOL. I read about kale--I'll see what seeds I can find around town. I grew these tomatoes last year--I forget what kind, some sort of grape/cherry heirloom. We got THOUSANDS of fruit off two plants. I rarely watered or fertilized and the plants grew...
  10. CluckyJay

    Help Me Plant a Chicken Garden!

    Here is what I have already planted: Wild mustard, bitter cress, violets, ox-eye daisies, catnip, meadowsweet, clover and dock. There are a few other weeds like chickweed, fleabane, dandelion, goldenrod and yarrow I am going to gather to cultivate. I also want to plant some, Alfalfa, melons...
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