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  1. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Okay, so no need to wait a few more weeks. I had my son help me hold him so we could spread his feathers apart, and there are def. male saddle feathers coming in. I also noticed spikey feathers around his comb that my girls don't seem to have, theirs are softer looking for lack of a better word...
  2. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Yeah, we really love her, she is a great hen. She has beautiful birds in general, check out her site, This is the only bird I have from her, but would love to get some more, gorgeous chickens, and they breed for breed standards. It seems that on our 15 weeks...
  3. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    She is a Welbar, cross between a Barred Rock and a Welsummer. I purchased her from cpartist on here, she is beautiful and lays a dark egg with a pinkish wash. Here is one of her images, not my bird but mine came from here. My girl is a little more silver than these, she is in a molt...
  4. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Thanks for the opinions! My other two Blrw pullets are 31 weeks, so they didn't grow up together for direct comparison. The pointed appearing feathers in the saddle are actually round feathers with pointy lacing. I know that pic didn't demonstrate it very well, but the actual feathers are round...
  5. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    It has been the consensus with this chick that it is most likely a cockeral. However, it is now almost 15 weeks, and no mature roo feathers or behaviors, and comb development seems more on track for a hen! Posting a few pics for opinions, tried to get close ups but the chick wasn't feeling it. I...
  6. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Got a BLRW egg today! 31 weeks old, now for her sister to catch up and get with the program too. They both look ready, but we saw the black one leaving the nest box, so sure it was her. Pretty nice sized egg for a first one. With a RSL egg for size and color comparison.
  7. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Well, they are seven months now, I'll try to be patient! Their combs are so bright red, and they have become very vocal in the past few weeks, so hopefully soon! I have an 18 week BLRW/EE mix that I think will lay before my 31 week BLRW! These girls are my first non-hatchery birds, it is amazing...
  8. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    When did your BLRWs start laying? I think they look mature, they are about 30 weeks or more, but no squatting or nest box exploration. Are they poor winter layers? Just curious, I know every bird is different
  9. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Two weeks have passed, and I'm still unsure of the gender of our chick. Chick is over eight weeks now, and the bird I was sure was a roo I'm now thinking could be a pullet. Could still just be a slower blossoming roo though, but there are no male saddle or hackle feathers yet. All new feathers...
  10. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    I did check, no obvious mature feathers in the saddle area yet. This chick is all fuzz in the butt/tail area! Very fluffy, but it's only six weeks. I think the next couple of weeks will be telling, but I have had one from this breed trick me into believing it was a roo before, so I will wait it...
  11. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    I have a six week old BLRW chick, coloring is either splash or very light blue, trying to decide if I'm thinking pullet or roo. The comb and wattles seem a little red for six weeks, but my other BLRW had very quickly developing combs as well. No other roo characteristics, but he/she is still...
  12. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    So my little chick that I picked up for my broody will be four weeks tomorrow. The general consensus was that he would be splash, but I think he is actually feathering in light blue? This isn't the greatest pic, he is a nervous little guy, but looks more blue to me. I keep saying he, b/c I'm...
  13. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Thanks! I picked them up to put under a broody to get her off the nest, so I'm sure I picked all roos anyways. He said he didn't keep any splash or black, but I didn't go look at his pens b/c of biosecurity. He is well respected in the area though, so pretty sure he was straight with me. We also...
  14. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    I picked up this baby BLRW yesterday, the guy says he only has blues, but it sure looks splash to me! What do you think? To early to be sure?
  15. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    We hatched out our BLRW from local eggs, so not a hatchery, but I don't know how the stock is. They are pretty birds with nice lacing, but one of mine does have a straight comb. I don't think they are that close to laying, they are now 18 weeks. Even though they are large, their overall shape...
  16. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Around what age do BLRWs start to lay? I know they are usually a little later b/c they are so large, but I was just curious to everyone's experience. My 17 week pullets are huge compared to their hatch mates, and getting redder in the face faster, but I wasn't expecting them to start for a...
  17. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    At what age do your BLRW roos start getting classic rooster feathers? I have a chick, 10 weeks old, that has me confused. It has an straight comb instead of rose, so has always looked a little more mature, and some fairly thick legs. But no rooster type feathers yet, and the hackles feathers are...
  18. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Thanks for better info on the combs! I don't have any first hand experience, just going by what I was told about not breeding a straight comb.
  19. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    This is my first time with BLRW, but here is what I know. The straight comb is a variation that can pop up, but is not breed standard and you can't show the bird and shouldn't breed it. It is not necessarily from a cross, although it could be. My chicks came from local backyard eggs, I had a...
  20. abserbean

    Blue Laced Red Wyandotte THREAD!

    Beautiful birds! It is easy to pick out your roo, thanks for the comparison pics. I will keep "him" a few more weeks to be sure, and keep hoping the comb/wattles don't turn red. As long as he isn't crowing he can stay for a little while. I was really hoping it would be a pullet, since he's is no...
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