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  1. Suechick

    What breed is your broody?

    Quote: Hi Is there any chance you could post pictures of your chicks and what their lines are? I'd love to see what you got!
  2. Suechick

    What breed is your broody?

    you should submit that basket picture for the BYC pic of the week. SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!!
  3. Suechick

    What breed is your broody?

    I have a friend who's Black silkie just hatched 2. There are lots of people who love silkies as broodies but they aren't very big. I've also heard that the Black Australop breed make excellent moms. Anyway, I think I could put 15 eggs under each of my buffs. They are very nice big birds with...
  4. Suechick

    What breed is your broody?

    I have 2 Buff Orpington broodies. They are both doing their first hatch. One of them has been sitting for 17 days now, I gave her fertile eggs 10 days ago and she's doing a great job. I candled them last night, 2 were infertile and the other 8 all have very active embryos. What I like about my...
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