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  1. gertiie

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    oh my gosh ! The egg hatched already ???????? How many days does it take ???? I am so happy for you !!
  2. gertiie

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    I would think to incubate would give you more of a piece of mind, than worrying about relying on your broody lady. Take the stress off yourself, you have been through enough I say, incubate
  3. gertiie

    My poor Daisy was murdered :'( Re-candeled egg... FERTILE yeeessssssss

    I hope your lil egg is fertile and hatches out a little fuzzy butt that will fill the void in your heart :(So sorry for the loss of Rosie. I hope the dog is caught and contained so this does not happen again ???
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