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  1. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    Waterfowl Only Egg Swap!

    Looking forward to swapping in the future. I have ducks laying, but nobody is separated, yet. ~ Aspen
  2. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    Waterfowl Only Egg Swap!

    Oooo!! O-o where has this thread been hiding? ; ) Got my first duck egg a couple days ago, haven't found another one since. Hoping to join this very thread very soon!! ~ Aspen
  3. Mrs. Fluffy Puffy

    Waterfowl Only Egg Swap!

    Wish I could join in the fun, but my pair of White Calls hasn't started laying yet, and the rest of my ducks are still fuzzy little ducklings! Maybe in a couple of months when my female is laying...and I get some ducklings from her! ~ Aspen
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