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  1. MuskokaChick

    confused about the cleaning of the coop

    Thank you everyone! I think I like the poop board idea, will get my handy hunny to make me one [email protected]? I can't have my cake and eat it too???? *sigh* Yes, that makes sense...just try things out until I find out what works for us. I think I will get the poop board installed, then...
  2. MuskokaChick

    confused about the cleaning of the coop

    I have a 10X6 coop with 11 hens. I have only had them two weeks and the first week I kept them in the coop to get to know their home, after week I let them out into the run and they are so happy out there and I find it funny every morning I open the coop door and they march out twoxtwo, like...
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