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  1. Tvanbui

    Hawk killed all 47 chickens in an hour!

    Quote: Thank you, woodmort. I no long think that it was the hawk. He was just eating the dead chicks. I think I want to trap the dog and take it to the owner as evidence. Anybody ever trapped a large dog before? Do they build traps for catching animals like dog? Thank you in advance for your...
  2. Tvanbui

    Hawk killed all 47 chickens in an hour!

    Quote: I just noticed you live in commie CA. We moved out of CA last year to in AZ I can follow that dog OFF my property and kill it in the street if I feel he was threatening my livestock. Those commies are working hard in CA to rip any gun law right you better get to...
  3. Tvanbui

    Hawk killed all 47 chickens in an hour!

    Quote: Funny that you and I think the same. I totally agree that talking to the neighbor will only cause more problems. The SSS method is most likely what we'll do.
  4. Tvanbui

    Hawk killed all 47 chickens in an hour!

    Quote: Really? that's just horrible. OMG!!!
  5. Tvanbui

    Hawk killed all 47 chickens in an hour!

    Thank you, all for your advice and sympathy. We think it's most likely the neighbor's dog. My family is still in shock. the site was pretty horrific with the carcasses everywhere. It's just so sad. Makes me so angry! All we can talk about now is how to get that dog!!! I just can't believe a...
  6. Tvanbui

    Hawk killed all 47 chickens in an hour!

    We are dog lovers, but I think the kid will shoot him if they see him again. Are are any laws against that? where live is rural farm area. We have 2.5 acres so we couldn't hear the chaos. the chicken coops are at the far end of the land.
  7. Tvanbui

    Hawk killed all 47 chickens in an hour!

    Must have been the neighbor's dog then!!! We've seen him on our land a few months ago and the kids nailed him with some rocks and we never saw him again. I thought he would never come back.
  8. Tvanbui

    Hawk killed all 47 chickens in an hour!

    Chicks were still shy so they would go out and eat for little while and then go right back into the coop. It looks like the animal came after them one by one in the coop killed them and dragged them out.
  9. Tvanbui

    Hawk killed all 47 chickens in an hour!

    about three of the chicks were missing their heads. I found talent marks in some. Others were in tack just squeezed to death !!! I'll try to take some photos. The children are in a state! OMG!! this has never happened before. Could a neighbor's dog do it?
  10. Tvanbui

    Hawk killed all 47 chickens in an hour!

    Quote: Well when we came out we saw one of of the hawks took off. Maybe he was there after the fact. Maybe a racoon, but this is during the day time. OMG!!! This is so terrible! makes no sense at all.
  11. Tvanbui

    Hawk killed all 47 chickens in an hour!

    We have a flock of 50 dark and white cornish chicks. They've been cooped up until yesterday when we thought they were big enough to run away from predators, they were all about 2lbs. So opened the door to the coop to let them free range...things seemed ok and we left them for an hour this...
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