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  1. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    All 3 of my BO hens have good-sized combs.
  2. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    They're gorgeous! My BOs don't look like they have English lines at all, but they're hatchery stock! Fluffo is a dapper fella!
  3. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    I'm no expert, since I got my first 4 BOs/flock last spring. If you need eggs, maybe add a light. I chose not to add light and give my girls a break; go with Mother Nature. I still get at least 1 egg every other day. But I live alone and don't need a lot of eggs. My 3 girls never stopped laying...
  4. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    She looks like she's mixed with something else. BOs don't usually have black legs do they?
  5. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    I agree! I have 4, 3 hens and a roo. The roo tests me once in a while, but he's still young and takes good care of his girls. One hen has gone broody twice already, but I'm trying to delay her hatching until spring. She may stay broody all winter at the rate she's going. I was going to get a mix...
  6. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    She's beautiful!
  7. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Nice looking little family!
  8. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Who says chickens aren't romantic? Instead of fluffing her pillow, he fluffs her nest! How sweet!
  9. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Moved my 4 BOs from their small 16 sq ft coop to their new 144 sq ft coop yesterday. I converted half of a shed into coop space. I think they roosted on the floor last night. They're adjusting. I didn't see any of them at one point today and went to check on them. They were all in the coop, and...
  10. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    My 6-months old BO rooster is like that. He still chases the girls. All 3 hens run from him. He's especially full of himself first thing in the morning. He does dance and step, especially for me! I'm like, "Sorry buddy, I think you're a hunk, but I can't help ya!" He's settled down slot in the...
  11. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    I agree with @Wyorp Rock! I can't imagine only have one chicken! That's like only having one Lays potato chip!
  12. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    That's one persistent mama!
  13. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    One of my girls has definitely gone broody already. She's only been laying about 6-8 weeks too! When I went to lock them up, she was sitting on an empty nest. Talk about giving me the stink eye when I shoved her out of the way checking for eggs! Guess I'll convert one of my small dog crates into...
  14. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    I have a BO female who has never liked being touched, even as a chick. She's a free spirit. She follows me around like a dog, like the others do, but don't touch her. She's sweet, but I just leave her alone. Same with my rooster. He tried to flog me a couple of times, and I booted him in the...
  15. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    I found a stash of 4 eggs this morning, so apparently all 3 of my BO hens are now laying! The first one started at 20 weeks, the second one started a week or two later, and my guess the third one has been laying for about a week.
  16. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Congratulations! They're adorable!
  17. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    At exactly 20 weeks, almost to the day, I got my first perfect little pullet egg today, although one of the girls most likely layed it yesterday. After a week and a half in our new place too. Guess that free-ranging suits them. No pics, because trying to upload pics via the app on my phone...
  18. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    He's very handsome! Congrats!
  19. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Looks like dropping him off on you was a win-win all around! He beautiful and looks for happy and proud.
  20. GardenNut

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    I'm no expert, but I say pullet. My BO rooster at a little over 4 months has saddle feathers, tail feathers, and now crows. He's a big, brawny thing too. He'll be 5 months at the end of the month.
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