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  1. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Nice GSD in your avatar.
  2. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    They will be fine then. About 7 months old you may see some more fighting. But most likely by then they will have a boss and everyone will know who it is. Good luck with them. Always feel free to ask if you do not know.
  3. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Depending how old they are, and what your planning to do with them, I would say it is time to get them split up. Sometimes when you raise larger numbers together the pecking order gets decided at a very early age. When you put together similar size birds who have never been together they will...
  4. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    I had crossed one of my White orp cockerels from last season with a Buff pullet and have made Lemon Cuckoos. Only wanted to make some pullets from that cross to take back to White. But, I know many would love to have some of these little fellas to play with.
  5. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    These were from a 2 time "Champion English" hen that only was shown in 4 APA sanctioned shows and my $20 Akers cock. I suggest to those who are serious EXHIBITION breeders to hatch out at least 30 or more to cull from. YOU THEN HAVE TO CHOOSE WHO YOU USE IN YOUR BREEDING PROGRAM. I only...
  6. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Just to show how much genetic variation can come out of the same 2 parents.
  7. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Hey Marvin, Here are a few picks from that combo we were talking about. You as always were rite on the mark with what you thought is possible. I DID get a pure Silver. This one is from the pullet in question. She is the only one which I have hatched from who has Blue legs. As you can see...
  8. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    I am a Buff type of guy. Last season I hatched out 20 from my Buff hen in my avatar with my $20 Akers cock. I only have culled one for wry tail. I still have 10 cockerels and all the pullets. I hatched out 4 eggs from Doug. 3 cockerels one pullet. I kept em all. I know the feeling.
  9. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    The same reason chickens why chickens are raised for centuries. TO EAT THEM!!
  10. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    For sure Marvin. I am helping quality Australorp breeders from Australia learn how I built some of my Aussie looking birds by using an Exhibition line Buff Orp to a hatchery messed up Black Australorp/Ameraucana cock. One said: "You are either 'Lucky Bill' or 'Brilliant Bill'! I'd claim...
  11. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    The White Buff chicks have in their history, Black, Buff and White on one side of the White cockerel and MAYBE White Wyandotte that has some White Rock on the otherside of his line. The White cock side is from a guy in PA who used an Alan Ammarell line White cock. Alan told me he bounces his...
  12. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Hey Marvin nice to see you on here. I am currently crossing a White Orp cockerel onto some Buff pullets. I know this may vary the result a bit. I am trying to improve our APA Whites with the already built up Buff traits that do so well in our APA Shows. Coming out the chicks I have are white...
  13. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    That sounds easier then it really is. Different lines grow at different rates. Doug once told me about giving some of his 4-H kids some Buffs. Two boys received 2 Buff chicks at the same date of hatch. One kid only fed his bird scratch. The other pampered his with fresh veggies high protein...
  14. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Most of the Buff breeders in the US has hatchery lines. Unless you go to an APA sanctioned Show you really do not know how beautiful, and large the better Buff breeder's birds are here in the states. The bird in my avatar was well over 10 lbs. She was bigger then these 2 hens that I bought...
  15. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    These Whites are my breeders. I am never going to show them. I got them for $60 and promised the breeder I would hatch out as many as possible. Their over a year old. Not easy to show birds when their in breeding conditions. Some people buy birds from great breeders to show the birds they...
  16. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    I use a 4' by 5" log that sets 6" off the floor of the coop. Any higher and they may roost under the ones on the roost post and get pooped on. My new trio of White Orps have a choice of a 6" by 8' cheery board an old round table, and where do they roost? On the floor in the corner of the...
  17. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    I bought these two sisters from Fred Farthing last year at this time. Paid $35 for each bird and $35 to ship each bird. Fred is a very well off man. MAYBE this girl wants to be in a Taj MaCoop with guilded roosting posts. OR MAYBE she is a Daisy Scout and just like sleeping in the outdoors...
  18. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    I guess you do not know, since you never have been here, but she does have a "proper" roost in a 4' x 8' coop. I do not throw mud in my coops so she can go inside it with the cockerel and her sister to stay outta the rain and mud. It is called rain and their pen is under trees to keep the sun...
  19. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    You can see she is starting to bend the top row of wire. Same place every nite. Lucky I have alot of dogs to keep the Red Fox away that use to come in the yard.
  20. lildinkem

    *Buff Orpington Thread!*

    Thanks for the appreciation of this crazy girl anubisnut & MorgansManor. She also likes to roost on the livestock fence wire. Likes too, but I won't let her though. Every nite I go out to shut coops and there she is up on the wire. Even when it rains. The fencing is starting to lean over...
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