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  1. cluckcluck42

    Never had Cocci til I started feeding medicated...

    I've hatched many batches of babies and my common practice was to feed them unmedicated and they stayed in the porch until they were fully feathered at which point they were put out in a grow out pen in the coop (with the other chickens). When they were in the brooder indoors I would take a...
  2. cluckcluck42

    Never had Cocci til I started feeding medicated...

    Quote: aah I was under the impression the medicated feed worked by giving them small amounts of the cocci and thus build immunity to it. I just checked and it does indeed have Amprolium in it. My bad! i just remembered something- About a week ago two of the little guys got out for a couple...
  3. cluckcluck42

    Never had Cocci til I started feeding medicated...

    Quote: They are going on three months and were from my own flocks eggs. Never interacted with other birds, I have only birds younger than them here and they are all housed separately. Really surprised they got sick, never ever had this problem. Needless to say I am never feeding medicated...
  4. cluckcluck42

    Never had Cocci til I started feeding medicated...

    I've been raising chicks since January 2010. I've not once had a cocci outbreak. For this batch of chicks I decided to use medicated chick starter. Discovered 6 dead today and absolutely disgusting bloody poops all over the brooder. I've done a lot of reading on the subject and I know I've...
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