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  1. CowgirlPenny

    Super poop....stink!

    It is just such an aroma! I have been completely replacing their pine or aspen bedding every other day to try and combat it, no such luck yet. The room smells like nice fresh wood for about 20 minutes and then the poop smell is back. They don't spill water, or food so it's not that. It's their...
  2. CowgirlPenny

    Super poop....stink!

    I have broodered chickens in my laundry room non stop since Feb 24 (not the same ones of course) but I have NEVER had chicks stink this way. I have two brooders right now. One with three bantams, and the other has two 1.5wk old SLW, and 4 Ameracuans, and a giant d'Uccle (big for it's age)...
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