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  1. smokeykk

    So..... what's the most amount of chickens that could fit in.... :P

    I think it would be fine, since you have the most bantams, Like I said, my coop is 24sq feet and yours is 64 sq feet, that is good for... AT LEAST 21 chickens if it is 3 sq feet per bird. It doesn't have to be 8 sq feet for the run, in fact, the website says 4-5 sq ft per bird outside. And no to...
  2. smokeykk

    So..... what's the most amount of chickens that could fit in.... :P

    Ok, thank you. I enjoy hearing your opinions sorry if I came off snappy, and i would also like to add that the current chix I have are, 1 New Hampshire Red (pullet, so far) 3 production reds (at least 2 are roosters, one looks like a pullet) 1 silkie bantam and one silkie bantam cross. I do love...
  3. smokeykk

    So..... what's the most amount of chickens that could fit in.... :P

    Well, I have 6 now and 2 look like roosters. I didn't really post this asking to be yelled at. But I think that 4 of my chicks are roosters, and 2 egg layers until next year is not enough. I was looking for some other pullets about 8 weeks, (the age that I will hopefully be able to definitly...
  4. smokeykk

    So..... what's the most amount of chickens that could fit in.... :P

    Well, I thought it was 3 sq feet per bird... is it not??? The coop is 4X6, which is 24sq ft is it not? and that means 8 chickens max... does it not???
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