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  1. Barrdwing

    Need advice concerning setting and introducing new peafowl

    I wouldn't worm her while she's setting--too risky. It could be enough to convince her that her chosen nest site is unsafe, and she would then abandon the clutch. I have had peahens abandon nests for much more minor upsets, so no, don't worm her yet if you can avoid it. Our other peahens...
  2. Barrdwing

    Need advice concerning setting and introducing new peafowl

    ColbyNTX is right, it would be a bad idea to move a new bird in where she might come in contact with the broody. A strange hen may drive her off of her nest; it might even be out of pure curiosity, but the damage would be done. Is there any way for you to fence off the area of the pen where...
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