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  1. hvnsnt3388

    Need advice concerning setting and introducing new peafowl

    Thank you all for your advise!!!! i have about 2 weeks left on broodys clutch before hatching. I think, as long as there is still time in the breeding season, i will wait for the clutch to hatch then put the purple BS into the pen with her and the mature male. He is standing over the broody...
  2. hvnsnt3388

    Need advice concerning setting and introducing new peafowl

    Ok, ill give that a try! Thanks for the advise! Anyone have any suggestions about the male/female pairings?
  3. hvnsnt3388

    Need advice concerning setting and introducing new peafowl

    The other pen has 2, 1 year old males in it......its not big enough, I dont think.......about 300 sq ft. I would be putting 5 peafowl in it......3 of them males! Oh my! How long is the breeding season? Maybe able to get a new pen built relatively quickly, we just need the tin for a roof and...
  4. hvnsnt3388

    Need advice concerning setting and introducing new peafowl

    Ok...I have 2 pens with peafowl. One pen has a mature female and a mature male. The female has been setting on eggs for 10 days now. My other pen has 2 mature females (both actively laying eggs) and 2 immature males in it. My mature purple blackshoulder is, how do I put this, really...
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