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  1. franklinstreetwest

    Polish Crested Wry Neck / Crooked Neck Diary

    Sorry for the late reply.... Weeble ' s babies did not have wry neck, but half of them had other health issues. He has one surviving son who is strong and healthy. The offspring of the healthy son are sturdier than the previous generation. The picture above of "weeble's son" is the one who is...
  2. franklinstreetwest

    Polish Crested Wry Neck / Crooked Neck Diary

    racerchicky17 : I am sorry to hear about your baby! I do hope your others are still thriving. scratch'n'peck : I had no idea that geese were suceptible to it also! Though, I suppose it makes perfect sense. I hope she has a long and happy, recovered life!! Thank you both for your kind...
  3. franklinstreetwest

    Polish Crested Wry Neck / Crooked Neck Diary

    I am SOO sorry to hear about your baby!! They seem to be such delicate birds.....sigh....the Silkies with the huge crests I am finding to be nearly as delicate also. It is a hard choice to make, whether to end it now or to give it a good try first. Twice now we have chosen to fight the wry-neck...
  4. franklinstreetwest

    Polish Crested Wry Neck / Crooked Neck Diary

    Chick15 --- I'm not a vet or a scientist, but as far as I understand it, it seems to be a neurological disorder that causes a bird's head to twist upside-down. It can also cause problems with balance, walking, eating and drinking. There are a number of triggers that will cause these symptoms...
  5. franklinstreetwest

    Polish Crested Wry Neck / Crooked Neck Diary

    As to what causes it... I only know what I've read, and for the most part it seems like speculation at best. The most common opinions seemed to be injury to the skull that results in brain swelling and genetic disorder that is most common in vaulted skull breeds like silkie and polish crested...
  6. franklinstreetwest

    Polish Crested Wry Neck / Crooked Neck Diary

    It is now July 18, 2011: Weeble is steady on the road forward. No relapse as yet. The days are all happy ones, filled with little chicken adventures like " OOOooh my GOSH, what are those white fluttery things in the air?!!?" cabbage looper butterflies on one of the first grazing trips in the...
  7. franklinstreetwest

    Polish Crested Wry Neck / Crooked Neck Diary

    So it has been over a month since Weeble first exhibited this problem. She is officially THE most spoiled bird I have ever met. Although she is not completely right yet, she does everything a normal chicken does, with a little extra "character". She walks forward with ease, takes dust bathes and...
  8. franklinstreetwest

    Polish Crested Wry Neck / Crooked Neck Diary

    chickenzoo : I like your idea about the bubble pillow! It just seems logical that getting the muscles to relax and behave normal would aid in healing. I'm so glad that both our lifestyles have permitted us to pay such close attention to her. Otherwise I can only imagine the choice we would've...
  9. franklinstreetwest

    Polish Crested Wry Neck / Crooked Neck Diary

    June 26, 2011 8:00pm I got home tonight and the basket has been upgraded to a 2 foot square box with room to move around. Mike met me at the door eager to show me a video. There was my Weeble walking in circles in the yard! Not leaning on anything, not tumbling around aimlessly with her head...
  10. franklinstreetwest

    Polish Crested Wry Neck / Crooked Neck Diary

    WOW, so I'm seriously deficient at posting regular updates...... It has been 13 days since the last time I posted. - Started the prednisone that night like I planned. Crushed a 10mg pill and mixed it into 3cc of water. Gave a dose of 1/2cc in the morning and at night until I used up two pills...
  11. franklinstreetwest

    Polish Crested Wry Neck / Crooked Neck Diary

    Chickenzoo--- Thankyou for your words of wisdom and experience. It is helpful, especially today. DAY 8: Having a bad day. Not eating independantly and starting to flop and spasm more again. VERY tired. I hold her through the spasms and hold her at the dish so she can peck comfortably to get a...
  12. franklinstreetwest

    Polish Crested Wry Neck / Crooked Neck Diary

    dshappychicks : Thank You for sharing your story, and for the words of encouragement. DAY 7: Still eating independently. I missed the night dose of Vit.E. Just got so busy that I forgot it, but then I'm not good at recalling to take my own medicine when I'm sick either. Living in hope...
  13. franklinstreetwest

    Polish Crested Wry Neck / Crooked Neck Diary

    Here is the patient on day 2 when we discovered her problem. My honey is holding her upright for the photo. Otherwise she just tumbles without control.
  14. franklinstreetwest

    Polish Crested Wry Neck / Crooked Neck Diary

    I have decided to keep a log of my experience with my wobbly little Weeble. It has helped me to read the threads from other worried poultry parents, and I hope that my two cents will steel someone in their battle to cure their baby! THE PATIENT: Weeble, a 3 month old Polish Crested Frizzle...
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