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  1. SED

    Anyone on here from AL with State Permit info

    I would love to get some when you have them.
  2. SED

    Anyone on here from AL with State Permit info

    Kangababy, do you have any Mandarin Ducks for sale?
  3. SED

    Anyone on here from AL with State Permit info

    I am saving all of my e-mails in a file so I will have them in case something is said to me.
  4. SED

    Anyone on here from AL with State Permit info

    Quote: Interesting. I have sent off for my federal permit to be able to sell my waterfowl but form talking with the AL game division nothing was needed for the state. All of our quails/pheasants we bought through a feed store or have raised oursleves. Mallards I have been told you don't you...
  5. SED

    Anyone on here from AL with State Permit info

    I have a copy of both permits. The game breeders permit allows for ANY game, deer, wild turkey, quail, mallards, geese, etc. BUT you have to attain your stock through legal means. I have those peoples names and numbers also.
  6. SED

    Anyone on here from AL with State Permit info

    Quote: Thank you !! SED That is what I was hoping for...I didn't want to purchase a yearly $250 permit. Anytime!
  7. SED

    Anyone on here from AL with State Permit info

    I was told "No license needed for pheasants" by the Administrative Assistant to the Alabama Director Wildlife & Freshwater Fisheries Division. I have a copy of the Game Breeders License if you need it. It is $250 and it is for Mallards, Canada Geese, Quail, etc.
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