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  1. nightshade

    finally the new coop is up! New Pics !

    Thanks all I am so proud. I show off my new coop when we have people over more then I do our new home. Yea I tried to keep as much of the woods as I could around the place we had to clear a lot more forest then we had wanted to just to get power to the house. That gave us open space for garden...
  2. nightshade

    finally the new coop is up! New Pics !

    lol yea hubby likes his chain saw, hence if you look close at the doors on the storage area he got alittle crooked at the bottom, lol it's all good though he promised to fix it some day Got the barn paint for the outside today and a big metal chicken sign that says welcome home on it that is...
  3. nightshade

    finally the new coop is up! New Pics !

    I am not really happy about the white paint because everything shows up so bad. It really lightened it up inside which is a good thing but I am really unhappy with how dingy it looked so quickly. We will see what happens I guess.
  4. nightshade

    finally the new coop is up! New Pics !

    Thanks all! here are some more pics I took over the weekend still no paint up though. what you see from the driveway the porch / tool shed Inside storage loft over the roosts roosts and laying boxes feeding area and grass box what you see from hubby's dog kennels what you see...
  5. nightshade

    finally the new coop is up! New Pics !

    Thanks I took more pics today but I forgot the camera at home and of course we don't have the internet at home yet Errr
  6. nightshade

    finally the new coop is up! New Pics !

    Well it has only taken two years in May to get the coop at the new farm from walls laying on the ground to standing and chickens in side. It is still far from done but I was more then happy just to be able to put birds in it by mothers day. It still needs painted and I plan on fencing in alot...
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