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  1. ChickenAlgebra

    Infomercials you didn't resist? I admit Eggies got ME

    I've NEVER had that many problems with mine at all, and can get them done easy. But for grocery store eggs, I think they'd be pointless. Those all but fall out of the shell when you hardboil them.
  2. ChickenAlgebra

    Infomercials you didn't resist? I admit Eggies got ME

    Quote: Wow, that's a lot of daily food prep! Seems like boys have hollow legs that never fill up, lol. Sad part - the 14 y/o girl can eat as much as her brothers, or more some days! I pretend I don't see my grocery bill some days.
  3. ChickenAlgebra

    Infomercials you didn't resist? I admit Eggies got ME

    You are welcome! I am all for anything to make food prep easier, feeding 9 kids - 3 teenagers, 2 tween AND 6 are boys - and a hardworking DH who can eat 4500 calories and not gain weight.
  4. ChickenAlgebra

    Infomercials you didn't resist? I admit Eggies got ME

    Not a problem! I think it'd be pointless for store eggs, those about fall out of their shells. They aren't the prettiest, but they aren't bad. And for eggs from right out of the hen, they are a pain to peel.
  5. ChickenAlgebra

    Infomercials you didn't resist? I admit Eggies got ME

    Depends on the egg, some need a trim, some are on the top, and some wind up slightly more normal. I just make stuffed eggs for work, easier. Plus, it's WORK, I don't care if it's pretty. Which it's not. But, yum, preflavored eggs alone is wonderful.
  6. ChickenAlgebra

    Infomercials you didn't resist? I admit Eggies got ME

    Yeah, I know how to boil eggs nicely so they are easy to peel, but it's still a lot of work. I was thinking the Eggies were stupid, what's the point, then I tried it. I'm a lazy slacker. Family gets pretty deviled eggs, otherwise, Eggies!
  7. ChickenAlgebra

    Infomercials you didn't resist? I admit Eggies got ME

    The Eggies are awesome for hard-boiled eggs. Deviled eggs for work food day - the flat side made for 6 converts the first time. Egg salad. Pickled eggs. We love them.
  8. ChickenAlgebra

    Infomercials you didn't resist? I admit Eggies got ME

    Product junkie! Ronco roaster, dehydrater, Nu-Wave - AWESOME for starving teenagers - 4 sets of Eggies, the Cami Secrets - GREAT as I am huge belly, but not tatas, so need the coverage! - AND Magic Bullet.
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