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    Ahhh, the beauty of hatchery chicks!

    I'm not sure they get it wrong. Could it be that they spell it that way to indicate their birds aren't Standard bred Ameraucanas? I suspect that there are people running hatcheries that have copies of the Standard and that they are well aware of what they're selling.

    Ahhh, the beauty of hatchery chicks!

    Quote: Nice healthy looking birds. I think those Black Sex Links are actually beautiful birds. If your needs are met by chickens that will lay well but may not be good representatives of the breed there's nothing wrong with chickens from a hatchery. I have a few "Easter Eggers" because my wife...

    Ahhh, the beauty of hatchery chicks!

    Quote: Americanas sold by hatcheries are not the same as the breed Ameraucana-note the spelling difference. The only hatchery catalog I ever get is McMurray & they clearly state their birds are not bred to standard. They, in fact, refer to them as "Easter Egg Chickens". The only place I've...
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