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  1. CarolynF

    Questions about integrating an 11 week old pullet

    Quote: I kind of wondered it that might not be the case. Glad to hear it's perfectly normal.
  2. CarolynF

    Questions about integrating an 11 week old pullet

    Quote: That didn't sound good, did it. In hind sight it was more like me playing the part of "boss hen". Pecking order is definitely defined & maintained with a hefty peck on the head, neck, or body. Not being able to peck, I used a "smack". Later I got out a spray bottle and when the...
  3. CarolynF

    Questions about integrating an 11 week old pullet

    Hi again, Just in case anyone ever reads this I'm posting more on how it's gone. It's been a full week now and the girls are getting along pretty well. The older ones still let the youngster know where her place is in the pecking order. They provide some pretty hefty pecks from time to time...
  4. CarolynF

    Questions about integrating an 11 week old pullet

    Just thought I'd update what's happening in case anyone else could benefit after me. I put a blue recycle box in the pen, tipped on it's end, and located in a corner in such a way as to make a small entryway. She wouldn't go in until I put sand inside, she didn't like walking on plastic I...
  5. CarolynF

    Questions about integrating an 11 week old pullet

    Quote: Oh... I like that. I don't have a bale of hay but I can figure out something else I think. Funny thing happened last night. I went out very late to check on the girls and the youngster was missing. The wire holding the temp. fence shut was unfastened (thought DH had done it but I...
  6. CarolynF

    Questions about integrating an 11 week old pullet

    I'm integrating an 11 week old pullet into my tiny flock within a run. No free range until fall. I have 2 birds and I'm adding this one. Right now there's a temporary fence separating the old from the new. Today I opened the fence to allow them to mingle a little bit. My #1 hen sort of...
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