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  1. RM Teacher


    Hi Saroco, I just had to deal with a prolaps and the support I have been given was fantastic and worked my chicken called Henriette is well again. It's amazing, I thought poorly Henrietta has to wait a long time to get better. Prayers were answered and she is fine now. I isolated Henrietta for...
  2. RM Teacher


    Hi TwoCrows, I just informed HenMaster from North Clifornia about my progress I had with Henrietta. It's amazing, I thought poorly Henrietta has to wait a long time to get better. Prayers were answered and she is fine now. I isolated Henrietta for four weeks and kept her as adviced in...
  3. RM Teacher


    Hi, I have researched various sites which provide treatment procedures for chicken suffering from a prolaps. They mention to gently push the prolaps back and use preparation H cream in order to reduce the swelling. Unfortunately, I can't locate a seller of Preparation H for chicken. Is there...
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