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  1. Mattemma

    Witnessed A Vandalism CLOSE-UP (UPDATE Post# 116)

    I would be interested in reading why you stopped eating meat. I was reading the new dirtiest foods list,and while meat is on there(ground beef and turkey and chicken) I was suprised to see things like cantelope! The article started off talking about a healthy 38yo PA guy who died a month after...
  2. Mattemma

    Witnessed A Vandalism CLOSE-UP (UPDATE Post# 116)

    First thanks for the garbage man update.Glad you got a company to do it for you.Atleast he was good for giving the name of them. Your mailbox is beautiful.You could sell those online for some side cash. I am trying to picture your beautful box in between all those crushed and rusted ones...
  3. Mattemma

    Witnessed A Vandalism CLOSE-UP (UPDATE Post# 116)

    Dh and I started dating after we both got asked to go buy and install a mailbox for my mom. Maybe something good will come of this for you! My mom's box got run over by kids racing a (dune?) buggy around the neighborhood(illegal ofcourse!).Despite calling the police on them they must have...
  4. Mattemma

    Witnessed A Vandalism CLOSE-UP (UPDATE Post# 116)

    Tough situation.Being alone in an isolated area I might pass on the charges since they know it was you,and it's a small town and all.Young people kill.Read to many stories to think good endings. It is a good thing you did not stand up.People with bats and 2x4's caught in the act of a crime...
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