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  1. Spookwriter

    Witnessed A Vandalism CLOSE-UP (UPDATE Post# 116)

    Looks like the majority say to press charges. For a federal offense. That's the law. I have to out outside now, but before I go let me ask one simple question. What if it was your child we're talking about here? Not simply children in the town, but your own child? 18 years old and now facing a...
  2. Spookwriter

    Witnessed A Vandalism CLOSE-UP (UPDATE Post# 116)

    First, I am glad that our Miss Laura is okay. Second, I am glad that Laura is the kind of person that did the right thing in calling the law. Too many people today turn a blind eye. The question of punishment is hard. Which one of us, as adults, has not at some point made a poor decision in...
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