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    Rehoming silkie rooster :(

    I am in south Ga. Fluffy went to his new home a few days ago. He will continue to be an awesome little roo. He is white, but now has plenty of black ladies to love on!

    Rehoming silkie rooster :(

    He found a home! Yayyyyy!!!

    Rehoming silkie rooster :(

    I think I found a home for Fluffy!! Fingers crossed! I emailed a woman who received 4 of his babies from me a few months ago. Her only black rooster passed away, leaving a black hen alone. She was very excited! She is scheduled to take him in the morning! I really hope this works out!! Eta:

    Rehoming silkie rooster :(

    I am in South Ga. If anyone wants him, they are welcome to him! Also I have three white silkie chicks I would include if they were given a GOOD home with Fluffy. He is a sweet boy.. to me.. but he attacks my husband at times so I don't know if a petting zoo would be a good idea. He may...

    Rehoming silkie rooster :(

    Thanks, everyone. I hope the right person comes along.. and fast. I am getting up every morning now when he crows and I'm putting him inside in the guest bathroom shower (enclosed).. lol. At least this way the neighbors won't be complaining! I tried putting him in the coup, but he is just as...

    Rehoming silkie rooster :(

    How do you guys rehome your roosters? I bought what I was told a sexed silkie (3-4 months old at the time). Well, "she" turned out to be a "he." I live in a residential area and my neighbors are not happy with him crowing early in the a.m. I put an add on craigslist for $10 but no hits...
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