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  1. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    I posted new pictures here...
  2. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    They are doing great! We moved them to their outdoor home and they love scratching the grass/dirt. They are all snugglers and are so tiny compared to our large fowl! I'll take pictures tomorrow and post them Dd named them I'll list them off with the pictures lol
  3. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    I have a hovabator genesis and an LG. I love the genisis! The lg is my hatcher bc I don't care if it gets dirty. The lgs temp is touchy. I wrap mine with a towel to keep it stable. The genisis i use in classrooms and at home it works fantastic. Even when preschoolers are screwing with it! Lol
  4. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    Nice hatch rate and they're cute to boot!
  5. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    Sugar and spice lol
  6. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    There are 23 babies all together and a few were named by the kids... blackie, crunchie, Butthead (DH named that one), Gut-loria (my daughter named this one due to an open belly button I stitched up). I think warrior names are great! Even god names would work like Hercules, Zeus, and so on!
  7. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    Here are some better pictures of the Bantam Cochin babies. They are all bantam cochins a week old today! I started with 24 (20 cochin and 4 extra mystery eggs for the kids) eggs all arrived looking great but I was hatching in a classroom and there were more that a couple lost to kids touching...
  8. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    L look up luckypickens I got my bantam Cochins from her! I think she has 1 frizzled kind but almost all are smooth.
  9. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    Sweet! I'll get my speech ready. Lol
  10. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    I think this was a learning experience for everyone involved! Taping the incubator lid down was KEY in the hatching process! The day the chicks hatched no learning was done if it wasn't about chickens. I get away with hatching more chickens if I'm doing it for the kids! Quote: This is...
  11. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    The last 10 chicks come home from the class room tomorrow! Here's a link to the thread for this hatch with a bunch of pictures if anyone want to see the overload of cuteness at my house and in the class room!
  12. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    The chicks are mine. :D some are my daughters 4h bantam Cochins she is super excited about them. They are super cuddly they climb right in your hand when you reach in! A few parents have asked if they can buy some but when I asked if they knew how to care for chickens I pretty much got a how...
  13. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    42 eggs set in the classroom hatched 24 hatched one died half hatched though. There are 23 live chicks!
  14. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    The preschool eggs are hatching!!!
  15. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    Lol I understand... Chicks are hatching now in a preschool class!
  16. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    Holy smokes! That's bad! I have 4 thermometers bc I'm afraid of them being off lol
  17. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    The teacher is awesome but I just volunteer there. I work at a high school as a teachers aid for a CNA class part time so when I'm off work I'm at my daughters school helping anyone who needs it. The kids needed a "life science" project so now I have several classes that we are planning to hatch...
  18. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    I am currently hatching in a preschool I started a hatching thread for classrooms. Right now it's just me but I'm sure come spring there will be more teachers doing it lol
  19. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    We got a po box bc of our carrier. He lost our mail on at least 7 occasions and refused to deliver packages bc the chickens are out. LOL he was scared of the "small ones" because he "never saw chickens that small and didn't feel safe". He was referring to my 4 week old chicks I put in a portable...
  20. CharterChick

    Incubators Anonymous

    Me either! So I keep going! Lol
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