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  1. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    By the way, I lurked for almost 2 years before I joined.....albeit I've been raising chickens for 34 years, but only have been incubating for 4 years......and I'm finding I have more to learn. Far more.
  2. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    Sswanee, I've gotten excellent results out of my Hova just takes a bit more attention to detail since it's a still air. My forced air LG works quite well for chicks but I prefer to use the Hova or the still air LGs on ducklings.
  3. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    Howdy folks. I can't afford one either........but somehow I've ended up with 3 LGs and a Hovabator.:rolleyes:
  4. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    Well, I'm at it again. I set 42 "Cherry Egger" eggs in the bator a week ago. I just couldn't resist it, sigh.
  5. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    Tomorrow will be a week since I set 98 eggs, I know I planned for 84, so it's candling time. I'm already thinking about the next set! Folks, I think I might go out of control this year.
  6. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    I'm setting R.I.R.s, Production Reds and some Production Buffs.
  7. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    I'm baaaack! Tomorrow I start collecting eggs for my first hatch of the year.YAY!!! I'm still planning on setting 82, minimally. If I get more I'm gonna stuff a bator. Oh and set date is March 2nd. I'm also planning on getting 12 BSLs and hopefully 24 BA eggs and at least 12 Bourbon Red poults...
  8. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    Well I'm getting ready for the first big hatch of the year. Got my bators, including the fans installed, brooders, grow out cages and all the waters , feeders ,etc. I need. And what do you know? One of my R.I.R. hens goes broody! I feel so..... defeated. One of my own girls beat me to the...
  9. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    Oh Donna. I'm so sorry to hear this.
  10. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: I would guess about 80... your going to need more land or build high rises. Wow that will really be chicken city! Trying to get ahead on build coops and pens here too, but came to the realization I'll never have enough coops. Oh well it won't hurt to try. And hey, get to feeling better...
  11. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    Quote: I hear ya LilyD Same exact problem going on here I've turned into a lurker on this thread I'm still lurking too. No freezing here, but my girls are still in molt. I almost scored some turkey eggs but was a little slow on the draw. Now I'm checking on quail eggs. I've covered the...
  12. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    Now I've moved that last 8 out of the 2'x2' brooder into the grow out cage in the coop. The bators and the brooders are now empty. That hasn't happened since the first week of June!Arrrrg! I will have to keep busy with all the other stuff that has to be done, but I'm a sad mama roo. I'll be...
  13. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    Well the bators are still in the corner of the garage. Seven of my girls are in molt and not laying. Money still tight. It looks like I'm not going to hatch any thing out till spring. I will be building more coops, grow out cages, brooders and a turkey pen in the mean time. Might also try doing...
  14. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    I've got 9 in the brooder, 5 production reds and 4 rhodies. Had 10 total but lost one post hatch. Bators are sitting empty in corner of garage. They look sad, or is it just me. I have to take a break from incubating but not sure for how long. In the mean time I'm going to upgrade my LG with a...
  15. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    Got 8 out and another pipping. One was taking too long and tried to shrink wrap but I got it out in time, I had to work fast. Going to check again in 30 minutes.
  16. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    I got 2 out and 5 more pipped plus a couple of rockers. Going back to check again!
  17. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    No pips yet but two are rocking and one is peeping!
  18. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    Mrs. Fluffy Puffy : Quote: Be hopin' with ya'. ~Aspen
  19. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    Mrs. Fluffy Puffy : Candled my eggs last night. 30-31 eggs weren't good. Most of them were Coro/Light Sussex. Still have some eggs in the 'bator due Thursday, so I'm hoping for the best!! ~Aspen Be hopin' with ya'.
  20. JD4570

    Incubators Anonymous

    Lockdown yesterday went smoothly and the humidity holding at 68%. Now comes the waiting game.I check every 10 minutes for pips none yet. Girls are picking up the pace on laying, I'll be sneaking some into the bator later this coming week. Gonna go check eggs again. Ain't it exciting!
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