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  1. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    Oooops, my last comment ended up smack in the middle of your comments...darn tablet! Let me try this again... There may be only one thing better than hatching chicks in Arizona...and that would be hatching chicks on the beach near the equator! *insert puffy heart* *insert jealous smiley!*
  2. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    I hatched 21/25 barnyard mixes this weekend for my neighbor. This hatch rate is better than my 50% I had with the NYE hatch-a-long! We got quite a nice variety of colors, also. My neighbors are thrilled, but I am SO ready to hatch some more for me.
  3. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    Have you tried googling 'owners manual' with the make and model number? Usually that works for me. Sorry I can't help unless it's a Brinsea.
  4. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    I had to cull a 4 week chick a month and a half ago and it was traumatizing to me. I knew I wouldn't be able to cut the head off. I read about how to snap the neck but nothing...NOTHING...can prepare you for that! It took me literally hours to get up the nerve to do it, and then it didn't work...
  5. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    Oh, sorry! I am pretty sure I read somewhere...and this would make sense...just like many other species, brain and spine development occurs very early during gestation, so not likely something you are doing at all. Probably genetic? Regardless, that must be upsetting to see.
  6. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    No I don't think that the egg fills with water and drowns them per se...but I was losing 1-2 pipped/zipped chicks each time I had 4-6 hatch at once...causing the bator window to condense. I didn't let the extra humidity out and would spray the eggs each time I pulled chicks out. I didn't realize...
  7. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    Whoa! Totally jealous! THREE of them!
  8. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    I had several that were zipping and stopped just like you describe. We waited and waited...and nothing. I read so much about the importance of keeping the humidity up that I actually had it too high. I suspect what happened is that when five were hatching at once, it increased the...
  9. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    In a perfect world we could just have SHIPPING INCUBATORS...that hold the eggs perfectly still. Better yet they would have individual egg holders with a weight on the small end of it so if the box is turned over, they are still always small end down. They would maintain the perfect temp and...
  10. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    I had a hard time with knowing when to help and when not to during our first hatch. I pretty much made up my mind that I would remain hands-off...but the mom and nurse in me couldn't NOT help and my original plan went right out the window. There are two that I tried to save that didn't make...
  11. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    Nope, I will trade you in as well for even MORE hatching eggs!
  12. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    Two early quitters, 23 vigorous in the bator.
  13. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    I am on day 15 of a dry hatch and dh told me he filled BOTH water compartments of my Brinsea at the beginning. I swear he is obsessed with the humidity since he talked to his cousin (a chicken farmer) about it.These are *MY* chickens and unless you are turning them, do not touch! Just from...
  14. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    x2 I thought I should raise my humidity because I am in Arizona, but I am pretty sure I had chicks suffocate when my humidity spiked too high during my first hatch. So I am doing a dry hatch this time and I pulled a lot less early quitters on day 10. I'm hoping the biggest difference is not...
  15. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    I got my 18 chicks outside finally (7/8 weeks) and the brooder cleaned out. I need to seal the inside wood before the next batch go in 2 weeks from now. Started them on FF and they love it. I candled twice this week for the neighbors (these will be their chicks)...they are so excited...and...
  16. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    X2 :D
  17. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    I should get those other two, also. I had one of my BCM die recently and the Corid never helped.
  18. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    Mine was $26 but I think it will make 2.5 million gallons. Maybe I should hatch more chickens to go with it. :)
  19. roostereggs

    Incubators Anonymous

    I just bought Corid for mine a few weeks ago and couldn't believe the price of the different meds. And it is in a HUGE container that will go bad before I ever use it all, I'm sure. Too bad they don't sell this stuff in smaller less $$ containers.
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