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  1. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    I managed to accidentally buy 6 more midget white turkey eggs on ebay. I didn't expect to win, but I couldn't not bid....and I won. Oooops.... So I set them last night at midnight and am hoping for a hatch like Ladycat's recent one! Hatched seven quail and they're running around like...
  2. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    Ooops, my bad. But hey, it's only fair to share. Life has not been the same since I found out about it...I have poultry everywhere, silkies, bantam wyandottes, bantam cochins, more silkies, ducks, (I didn't even think to really want ducks!) a turkey, nope, I tell myself, these are the last...
  3. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    Well done! One bid...Gotta love it! I'd take that as a sign that you were indeed suffering from an acute case of quail deficiency. You know you really don't want to mess around with this condition. The blackout should have been the first clue. Happy to hear you are on your way to temporarily...
  4. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    Well, this is what I do when i can't decide....Do BOTH! I have Texas a&m coturnix, superb layers, great hatch rates when I've set eggs, just set some more last night...I've been tempted by the snowflake bobwhites. So many choices! Isn't it GREAT????
  5. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    You are a shipped turkey egg hatching god-dessss! Way to go! What kind of turkey's? Please share your incubation stats: temp, humidity, turning, when did you lockdown, did you lower the temp towards the hatch, etc. etc. etc...Inquiring minds want to know! I have that bator too and hatched...
  6. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    I believe there are no accidents. It was definitely a sign. And permission to get a bigger 'bator. You'll need more eggs to fill that brooder with chicks! It's not right to let all that nice space go to waste.
  7. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    I got one batch of midget whites off ebay. Ordered 8,received 8. Box was all dented and damaged on the outside and the postmaster was so apologetic. The eggs were well packed, but two were broken, so I set the remaining 6, even though they had damaged or rolling air cells. Four of those six...
  8. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    Hatch update - thrilled to say it's looking good for my 10 locked down silkie eggs! Two out, (one last night, one super early this morning), at least 4 pipped and I think at least one wiggler. I can't see in there very well, and the hatched ones moving makes it hard to confirm wiggling eggs. All...
  9. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    Based on the excellent details you provided it sounds like humidity issues. Despite all the books saying run bators in the 40 most of us try for the twenties and low thirties. Also make sure the vent plugs are out during the last half of the hatch. Humidity is a killer. You can try weighing...
  10. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    I've done some between 30% and 40% and some 40% to 50%, raising to 60-65% at lockdown. I've had some on the automatic cradle turner thingy and others that I have turned 3-5 times a day by tilting the brinsea and twisting the lid on the turn-x. The last batch of silkies I opened the turn-x and...
  11. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    Getting ready to lockdown shipped silkies tomorrow. I have been madly incubating away since January. I have lost way too many that look to have died at lockdown. About half hatch. The rest die prior to internally pipping or when they have yolk left that is about the size of a slice of small...
  12. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    I thought the air cells looked ok in that batch although two were noticeably smaller, but not SMALL small. I neglected to mark those two though.This chick was zipping at on odd angle, not directly around the shell, but more in an oval track, if that makes any sense. So my next batch is at 55% in...
  13. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    Just had my first hatch of shipped eggs this weekend. All silkies shipped from TN to CA when it was very cold. Eight went into lockdown, four hatched, but five pipped. The fifth one was merrily zipping away and stopped very suddenly. I thought since it pipped and then zipped right away that it...
  14. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    Agree 1000%!
  15. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    I don't doubt that for a nanosecond! I can already see the signs...
  16. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    I'm glad to know it really works! You know, for my own future egg needs, should I find my self dangerously short!
  17. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    Did you check all your pockets and under the cushions on the couch? Have you stashed any more anywhere in case of an emergency? There HAS to be more eggs SOMEwhere that you can set in another (new?) incubator! :-) LOL, at the visual of the raid on the fridge...
  18. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    Oh I am soooo with you! I have one batch due to hatch Saturday, One batch due a week from Friday....AND I accidentally on purpose ordered about 34+ eggs due to arrive by the end of this week! Lovely silkies, mille fleur and mottled bantam cochins and BLR wantam wyandottes! Hopefully the post...
  19. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    Got it! Thanks!
  20. theresam22

    Incubators Anonymous

    OOops that last post was in reply to the post by gimmebirds - "lady who tried the bra incubator didn't have heat to the outside of her bra- and the eggs didn't get warm enough- maybe heat packets to the outside would help." Obviously still learning how to do this...
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