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  1. gritsar

    I hate small town politics!!

    The town DH works in is about 15 minutes away, as the crow flies. Technically we don't even live in the county he works in; our south fence line being the county line. Our plan when DH retires is to forget that town even exists. We go north to a much nicer town whenever possible - for...
  2. gritsar

    I hate small town politics!!

    Quote: Thanks. I am letting DH know that I love him very much, am very proud of him, but otherwise leaving him be. I know he'll come through this fine, he's a stong man. Just read the update that your DH is going to put in his retirement papers. I am very happy for both of you and please...
  3. gritsar

    I hate small town politics!!

    Quote: Funny you should mention that. About a year after DH started policing a new state trooper was hired for this area (his predecessor being the trooper that was shot and killed that I mentioned earlier). He is a black man. He and DH are good friends. This trooper tolerated 28 years or...
  4. gritsar

    I hate small town politics!!

    Quote: Yep! Do this AFTER he retires... OK I just read the part were he is retiring I would still write a letter after he retires I plan to try after he retires, but doubt it will be published. One newspaper town and the paper is run by Who You Ares too.
  5. gritsar

    I hate small town politics!!

    Quote: Better make it a red cow costume, even though all the cows on the place are black angus. Apparently the handsome red bull from a neighboring farm has paid a visit, because pretty red calves are popping up all over the place. WARNING! Don't come in a fox costume whatever you do...
  6. gritsar

    I hate small town politics!!

    Quote: Just north of us there is a town with two police officers - the chief and another officer. Their salary is actually paid by Tyson, as Tyson employs most of that towns residents. The police chief there has known DH his whole life. The chief has repeatedly told DH that he has a job...
  7. gritsar

    I hate small town politics!!

    DH just told me that he is going to submit the paperwork to retire as of November 1st! The paperwork has to be submitted 30 days in advance. He will submit October 1st, after he's had time to gather up the necessary paperwork.
  8. gritsar

    I hate small town politics!!

    Quote: YUP! If I were able to retire early and get my full benefits, I would retire my stubborn ways and take the out while I can! Why go through all the stress to prove a point? That's my feelings, exactly. Back in the 80s DH was a very strong, very healthy young man. On the way to the...
  9. gritsar

    I hate small town politics!!

    Quote: Thanks. I am letting DH know that I love him very much, am very proud of him, but otherwise leaving him be. I know he'll come through this fine, he's a stong man.
  10. gritsar

    I hate small town politics!!

    Right now I am staying holed up in the office, giving DH the space to work it out in his mind and in his own time. I never brag on myself but I am very proud of DH. We can't make a trip to the walmart in town without DH being stopped by at least one town resident. They frequently want to...
  11. gritsar

    I hate small town politics!!

    Unfortunately there is no human resources department. The mayor and the chief get together and make any decision they want to; frequently changing the "playbook" to suit their needs and desires.
  12. gritsar

    I hate small town politics!!

    DH has been a police officer in a small town for 29 years, 5 months. He was "fully vested" and eligible to retire @ 28 years, but for some reason wants to make 30 years. He plans to retire in April of next year. He has survived several police chiefs and many mayors. The current chief, hired...
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