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  1. krissteff

    egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

    I guess I understood that he fixed it so she won't prolapse, assuming everything heals appropriately. I'm sure she will someday lay another egg, but because of the surgery, prolapse will not be as likely. That is what I'm assuming. Obviously, the vet will be able to answer that better than I...
  2. krissteff

    egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

    the3ofus+oursixchicks : here is rosey outside today LOOKIN' GOOD, CHICKY MAMA!!!! Her comb color is back, too, I see!! She really does look amazing...
  3. krissteff

    egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

    "i know its weird how something you just cant get out of your mind. i can still see her bottom even when i am not looking " Some things cannot be unseen!
  4. krissteff

    egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

    So good to hear that Rosey is getting back to being herself!
  5. krissteff

    egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

    I sure hope you and Rosey are doing okay today! Both of you are in my thoughts.
  6. krissteff

    egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

    I just had to go out and visit my girls one last time before they bed down for the night. I had to pick up each one and see if they would cuddle me like Rosey. Shockingly, one of my LEGHORNS was receptive to the cuddles! The others just wanted to jump on me for treats and inspect my face, and...
  7. krissteff

    egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

    the3ofus+oursixchicks : ok when i go in to just sit and visit with rosey while i am holding her she has her head on my shoulder and is doing the sounds like the purrrrr. what yall think? I think that chicken loves you!
  8. krissteff

    egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

    I think the poo looked normal. Didnt see any blood or strange stuff. Just my opinion though. Someone else might see something different. The little "sick room" you made her looks great! It looks like she likes it too! Keep the chick starter available to her. If you see she isnt drinking...
  9. krissteff

    egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

    the3ofus+oursixchicks : why is her comb turning purple in spots? The most logical reason i could find for this was a posting on another website that said it was normal if the chicken has had a shock or recent loss of blood. I thInk being eggbound and visiting vets could be agitating her and...
  10. krissteff

    egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

    the3ofus+oursixchicks : well i spent a few minutes with rosey before she went to bed and she was doing good as far as i can tell. she was making this long werrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sound. i thought she was just talking to me. and i just checked on her and she seems ok. this has been a good day.
  11. krissteff

    egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

    So is the vet saying short days of light until she heals, and then when she's healed up she can stay out and try to pass an egg? Or dose he mean shortened days of light forever? I'm glad you've got a great place to take her! They sound like wonderful and compassionate people who really care...
  12. krissteff

    egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

    I'd keep her inside for now. I know you don't want her to be depressed, but keeping her from moving around too much will help her heal. Bring her sister-chickens in to visit for short periods of time and talk to her if she needs soothing, but I wouldn't take her out right now. Don't risk it...
  13. krissteff

    egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

    green grapes cut in half are a big hit with mine. they also like oatmeal quite a bit. Lowes carries dried mealworms by the bird seed. They are the *ultimate* chicken treat.
  14. krissteff

    egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

    Don't write off the University of Tennessee too quickly. I think it's a research hospital/school for students in veterinary medicine. It *might not* be that expensive. Certainly worth a call if it continues to be a problem! I'm thankful you found a vet who didn't rush to put her to sleep.
  15. krissteff

    egg is stuck inside skin and is hanging on the hens bottom

    I've been following this thread. I think it's admirable how much you care for Rosie. It has to be very confusing with all of the advice and misunderstandings and conflicting opinions. People only see what you write on here, and they don't always realize the emotion behind the posts and the...
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