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  1. SerenityAcreslw

    The Rhodebar thread!

    That would be fantastic if these are pullets! More eggs for me. But, why are they getting those long rooster tail feathers? I've been waiting to see pullet or cockerel with these two because their head spots weren't as white as I have seen in pictures, but were definite spots. I figured those...
  2. SerenityAcreslw

    The Rhodebar thread!

    Here are some pics of my boys. Are they good enough to consider breeding? I was told they are Green Fire Farms stock. BTW, my husband does not believe me that these are cockerels...I think he is in denial. These boys mean I *need* more chickens hehe Cockerel 1 Cockerel 2 this one...
  3. SerenityAcreslw

    The Rhodebar thread!

    I have two Rhodebar cockerels they are 8 weeks. I'm playing with the idea of breeding them. Only problem is I have no females. The females I bought died within 3 days of purchase from coccidiosis, besides they were wheaten and poorly marked. These boys barely made it. I'm seeing that a lot of...
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