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  1. Delta2 23

    The "get to 1,000 pages before 12/31/12" thread

    I can't find any good pictures on Google Images. This is very taxing stuff. *takes a break to have an ice cream*
  2. Delta2 23

    The "get to 1,000 pages before 12/31/12" thread

    LOL. I just found one labelled "chick'n sangwhich". It was a cat, between two ducklings. :lau
  3. Delta2 23

    The "get to 1,000 pages before 12/31/12" thread

    I feel ya, Y U NO, I feel ya. This always gives me a headache, one of which I already have from breathing in paper 'n ink fumes. :P
  4. Delta2 23

    The "get to 1,000 pages before 12/31/12" thread

    Come on guys, we're a third of the way into the year, and if it's taken up a few months to make 100 pages, we're never going to get there. Post pictures! Post whatever! Post inspirational stuff! Wrrrroar!! *motivational speech inserted here*
  5. Delta2 23

    The "get to 1,000 pages before 12/31/12" thread

    Interessant, sehr. LOL. "Y U NO get the difference between 180 and 360?!!" Like the guy who accidentally sent this plane into his line of departures. Whoops!
  6. Delta2 23

    The "get to 1,000 pages before 12/31/12" thread

    The *le me* ones are also quite amusing. ROFL.
  7. Delta2 23

    The "get to 1,000 pages before 12/31/12" thread

    Y U shlurrin' uur words? :P lmao, so true. :lau
  8. Delta2 23

    The "get to 1,000 pages before 12/31/12" thread

    lmao. "But wait! There's more FAIL!"
  9. Delta2 23

    The "get to 1,000 pages before 12/31/12" thread

    Yeah, I loved it. :lau BTW, failblog is freakin' awesome. lmao! I'd post some here but I'm not sure if those words would be counted as objectionable. :P The poem is really quite odd. :lol: I was in such a roll that I continued with it even after getting on the bus.
  10. Delta2 23

    The "get to 1,000 pages before 12/31/12" thread

    "Longcat's not long, he's as short as can be! I've got hairs on my head that are longer than he!" Sounds like something I'd write. :lau I wrote a ridiculous poem last night while waiting for the bus. Want to hear it?
  11. Delta2 23

    The "get to 1,000 pages before 12/31/12" thread

    failblog? Hmmm, I'll have to check that one out too. But let me get into the swing of things first, all I can see are lolcats behind my eyelids at the moment. :lau
  12. Delta2 23

    The "get to 1,000 pages before 12/31/12" thread

    LOL Adam. You seen the ones I posted back on 577? I have such fun on ICHC last night. I've never been on that site before. Hilarious.
  13. Delta2 23

    The "get to 1,000 pages before 12/31/12" thread

    I like those cats though. I have a good lol at them. :P
  14. Delta2 23

    The "get to 1,000 pages before 12/31/12" thread

    lmao, as if it say 'hold it! der are moar kittehs' at the bottom of the page.
  15. Delta2 23

    The "get to 1,000 pages before 12/31/12" thread

    I am going to help this thread along, now that I am alone, by posting pictures.
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